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it is likely to be decreased resulting in painful withdrawal symptoms

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Q: Is the body s natural production of endorphins likely to be increased by heroin use?
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The bodys natural production of endorphins is likely to be?

increased by heroin use and increased by vigorous exercise

Morphine and heroin duplicate the action of what?


Which drug binds to the same receptor sites as the endorphins?


Is beta-endorphin an illegal narcotic?

No, beta-endorphins are natural hormones secreted by the pituitary gland that act as a powerful pain suppressant. They're the reason why people don't immediately feel the pain of severe trauma, such as losing a limb. What you are thinking of are opiates(eg. heroin), which attach themselves to the same receptors in the brain as beta-endorphins do. Those are illegal.

how to Reduce heroin production in Afghanistan?

burn it

Why do people abuse heroin?

to have a un natural high

Is it true that alcohlics eat a lot of hot stuffs?

Yes.Many addicts of all kinds are fond of extremely spicy food. It is even possible to become addicted to hot foods and sauces. They fool the body into thinking that it has actually been burnt, which stimulates the production of endorphins, naturally-produced brain chemicals that have the same effect as opiates such as heroin and oxycodone.Endorphins are natural painkillers, produced in reaction to bodily injury or extreme exercise (which injures muscles). They allow us to continue to function when we are injured.

Can a heroin father effect an unborn child?

No. Although heroin may cause miscarriages if pregnant women abuse it too often or too much, a father's sperm cell will not be affected in any way by heroin (though his sperm count may be), because heroin breaks down in the body into morphine and 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM). Morphine is a naturally occurring endorphin and can be found in the brain in small amounts along with other endorphins, so really all Heroin does is increase the amount of a chemical the brain is already used to. The resulting addiction and physical effects of heroin ingestion (heroin only, this does not apply to adulterants) are simply due to the body reacting to increased levels of Morphine.

Does using heroin cause hyperglycemia?

Yes. Heroin can cause hyperglycemia because heroin stimulates the sympathetic branch of the nervous system. This branch is responsible for the constricted pupils and fast heart rate you see in heroin overdose. The high blood sugar is due to the increased demands of the cells because the metabolic rate of the cells is increased. Therefore, the sympathetic nervous system stimulates the release of stored sugar from the liver and it enters the blood stream. This causes the hyperglycemia.

Is heroin a synthetic drug semi synthetic drug or a natural drug?

heroin is a semi-synthetic drug, ive just done about it in my drugs and toxicology module at uni

What are some withdrawals for Heroin?

Insomnia, chills, sneezing, irritability, body aches, cold sweats. Increased sex drive....

Why is acetic anhydride banned?

It is used as precursor chemical in the production of di-acetyl-morhpine; otherwise known as heroin.