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The term "hawk" is not a scientific or taxonomic designation of a single bird, but is more of a common word used to refer to many different birds, perhaps as many as 200 different species. The true hawks alone comprise 48 species.

It would be best if you would rephrase the question to refer to a specific species or a type of "hawk" indigenous to a particular area.

In any case, one member of the broader "hawk" family that did face extinction 30 to 40 years ago is the peregrine falcon. The widespread use of the pesticide, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in the 70's, caused this birds eggs to be thin-shelled and unable to support life. DDT was permanently banned from use.

Fortunately, a number of falcons had been captured for breeding, most notably at the University of Guelph in southern Ontario, and today this beautiful and majestic bird thrives, not only in Ontario but in many US states and also in Mexico.

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14y ago
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10y ago

The Northern Hawk owl's current conservation status is labeled as 'least concern,' but their population has taken a major hit due nest disturbance, urban expansion, Pesticide poisoning, electrocution, and other conflicts posed by humans. They are no longer commonly seen in many areas of historical population distribution.

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11y ago

A few hawk species are endangered but they are not extinct for they are still around; and I know this because they fly above my house constantly and have killed one of my chickens.

One specie of hawk, Red Tail hawks, are not endangered because they are very well-known in the U.S.A. But in other places such as Hawaii and Puerto Rico they are endangered.

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9y ago

There are some hawk species of concern, like the Cuban black hawk, but most North American species are doing well. The snail kite is a threatened species, however, because it subsists on apple snails, found in Florida marshes. As these marshes were drained, the bird's food supply dwindled, and so did the kites.
Certain accipiters (birds that prey mainly on other birds) like Cooper's and sharp shinned hawks, did experience a decline in the 1970's, but since have rebounded well.
The large buteo hawks like red tailed, red shouldered and others are doing fairly well at present.
All hawks and other Birds of Prey are fully protected by laws.
I am wondering, if the person was referring to the great auk, which is, or was, a large, flightless sea bird that is now extinct.

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15y ago

Well, partly. In some States and Cities. yes. In some, no.

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13y ago

Yes,sadly it is an endangered bird!

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13y ago

Unfortunately, yes.

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Q: Is the northern hawk owl endangered?
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When was Northern Hawk-Owl created?

Northern Hawk-Owl was created in 1758.

Are any owls endangered?

Yes there are endangered owls. Just to name a few Burrowing Owl, Ground Owl, Northern Spotted Owl, Pygmy Owl, Barn Owl.

What does the northern hawk owl eat?

Barred owls eat them, they also kick them out of their home and sometimes mate with them, they are a reason why the northern spotted owl is endangered

Common name for hawk owl?

This question needs explaining a little as I have found 20 from the hawk owl family, these being : # Sooty-backed Hawk Owl - Ninox theomacha goldii # Christmas Island Hawk Owl - Ninox natalis # Oriental Hawk Owl - Ninox scutulata lugubris # Bismarck Hawk Owl - Ninox variegata superior # Moluccan Hawk Owl - Ninox squamipila forbesi # Madagascar Hawk Owl - Ninox superciliaris # New Guinea Hawk Owl - Uroglaux dimorpha # Brown Hawk Owl - Ninox scutulata # Northern Hawk Owl - Surnia ulula # Manus Hawk Owl - Ninox meeki # New Britain Hawk Owl - Ninox odiosa # Solomon Islands Hawk Owl - Ninox jacquinoti roseoaxillaris # Philippine Hawk Owl - Ninox philippensis centralis # Andaman Hawk Owl - Ninox affinis rexpimenti # Speckled Hawk Owl - Ninox punctulata # Ochre-bellied Hawk Owl - Ninox ochracea # Mindoro Hawk Owl - Ninox mindorensis # Togian Hawk Owl - Ninox burhani # Cinnabar Hawk Owl - Ninox ios # Little Sumba Hawk Owl Ninox sumbaensis

What carnivorous birds exist in Canada?

Yes. Many species including: Goshawk Cooper's hawk Sharp shinned hawk Red Tailed hawk Rough legged hawk Golden eagle Bald eagle Peregrine falcon Kestrel Merlin Gyrfalcon Red shouldered hawk Broad winged hawk Osprey Northern harrier Swainson's hawk Great gray owl Barn owl Barred owl Screech owl Hawk owl Horned owl Short eared owl Long eared owl Snowy owl

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Northern goshawks even eat great horned owl so DEFINITIVELY the northern goshawk would win

Is a boobook similar to an owl?

"boobook" is a common name used to refer to any owls from the genus Ninox, also known as "hawk-owls" but the term "Hawk-Owl" is often also used to be referred to the "Northern Hawk-Owl" that is not a "Boobook".

How long has a northern spotted owl been endangered?

20 years

How long has the northern spotted owl been endangered?

20 years

What is eats a long eared owl?

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