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A total gym exercise machine does really get your body into shape if you use it as directed and use it often. Any exercise must be done consistently to see results.

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Q: Is the total gym exercise machine more of a hype or does it really guarantee to get your body into shape?
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How can exercise improve your body shape?

it make you really fat.

How exercise affects heart rate?

It goes up, or if your really out of shape it can stop.

If your face goes really red when you exercise are you unfit?

Sounds like you are out of shape-but is fixable.

What is the purpose of the best elliptical machine?

The purpose of any elliptical machine is for aerobic exercise and to get into shape and lose weight, or stay in shape. An elliptical trainer can burn as many as 600 calories an hour and does not put stress on the joints like running does.

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Aquatic exercise is a very effective method of exercise! It is great for your cardiovascular system, it's fun, it really gets you into shape and you can do it almost anywhere at anytime!

what is the supreme Pilates machine?

The Supreme Pilates Machine is a piece of exercise equipment created by Ellen Croft. It helps you perform a lot of different Pilates moves and sculpts your body into shape.

What is a good running workout for someone in good shape?

A good running exercise for someone that is already in good shape is running up and down stairs. This is an exercise that can be done in a small amount of time, and have a really great impact on your body.

Does the ab roller exercise really tone and shape the abs?

Yes the ab roller really does tone and shape the abs. It is ranked #9 as being the best ab exerciser around. Of course, you have to watch your diet and do aerobic exercise as well as use the ab roller to get the great results that you want.

Where can one find out about Tony Little's Gazelle Freestyle exercise machine?

Tony Little is a fitness trainer who markets exercise gear on the Shopping Channel. His Gazelle Freestyle fitness machine is a low-cost way to stay in shape at home. The Gazelle can be purchased through Target stores and on Amazon.

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How do you get in shape for soccer?

you can really run around and omg you have to exercise thnx for picking soccer and not another stupid sport like baseball

Is the gazelle exercise machine a good workout?

A Gazelle exercise machine is designed to be easy to use and to provide a low impact workout for both upper and lower body. Reviews on the machines are mixed, with many reviewers indicating it is a good machine for beginners but will not offer much benefit after the user starts to get in better shape.