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Taurine is found in some energy drinks, but bull sperm is found in no food at all (unless one counts the traditional bull's testicles at some food-fairs).

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Q: Is there Taurine and bull sperm are in what food products?
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Does taurine contain bull sperm?

Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, is an organic acid. It is also a major constituent of bile and can be found in the lower intestine and, in small amounts, in the tissues of many animals, including humans. Taurine is named after the Latin Taurus, which means bull or ox, as it was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by German scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelin. Bull sperm is made up of different substances, including the acid Taurine. Taurine that we find in food and drink products today is not extracted from any part of animals; who would want that job?! Instead, it is artificially made in laboratories. You can drink energy/stimulation drinks without fear that you are ingesting bull sperm.

Is taurine bull urine or sperm?

Categorically: no. Firstly, that's the wrong way around. Bull sperm is made up of different substances, including the acid Taurine. Taurine occurs naturally in all sorts of places, including human bile, bull bile, testes and urine. It was first extracted from Ox bile. Secondly, the Taurine that we find in food and drink products today is not extracted from any part of animals; who would want that job?! Instead, it is artificially made in laboratories. You can drink energy/stimulation drinks without fear that you are ingesting bull sperm.

Is red bull made out sperm?

This gets asked frequently, and the answer is and always has been: NO.Red Bull and other energy drinks do not contain Bull Sperm. This idea came about since there is an ingredient called "Taurine" in it. This ingredient is NOT bull sperm but an aminoethanesulfonic acid, particularly in this case, an extremely high quality synthetic production of this acid.Naturally occurring Taurine is necessary for normal skeletal muscle functioning, even assisting with those affected with congestive heart failure by increasing the force and effectiveness of heart-muscle contractions. It also acts as an antioxidant and inherently protects against toxicity of various substances (such as lead and cadmium). Additionally, supplementation with taurine has been shown to prevent oxidative stress induced by exercise.noCategorically: no.Bull sperm is made up of different substances, including the amino acid Taurine.Taurine occurs naturally in all sorts of places, including human bile, bull bile, testes and urine. It was first extracted from Ox bile.Secondly, the Taurine that we find in food and drink products today is not extracted from any part of animals; who would want that job?! Instead, it is artificially made in laboratories.You can drink energy/stimulation drinks without fear that you are ingesting bull sperm.

Does redbull have bull sperms in it?

No. The FDA has not yet allowed bull sperm to be added to food.

How is taurine made?

I think its is bulls urine. Usually found in energy drinks. Taurine isn't bull's urine . . . the kind found in energy drinks is synthetically made in a lab. ( explains the process) The taurine in animal food is derived from skeletal and other parts of the protein they are using in their foods. The rumor about the bull's urine began because taurine was first found in the bile of bulls (which is why the root "taur" is now used).

Why did Europe ban taurine?

Europe hasn't banned taurine. In fact, a study by the European Food Safety Authority in 2003 found no adverse effects for taking 1,000 mg of taurine per kilogram of body weight. Perhaps you are thinking of energy drinks, in which taurine is used. Although, the EFSA has also concluded that the amount of taurine in energy drinks (such as Red Bull) is safe. Red Bull is illegal in France, Denmark, and Norway because it is regarded as a medicine due to the amount of taurine present. Even further so, France has banned the sale of energy drinks with any amount of taurine.

What is the crystaline derivative of cystine used in cat food?

The answer is TAURINE

How much taurine do ferrets need?

Compare the taurine on commercial packaged ferret food, it's really not known exactly how much they need

Is there anything dogs can eat but cats can't?

Yeah. Dog food. It has no taurine in it, which cats need.

Which food you take for make Y sperm?

The food you eat will have no effect on sperm determination.

Which food is good for getting high sperm count?


Is food poisoning possible if a girl swallows sperm?

No. No it is not possible for a girl to get food poisoning from swallowing sperm Yes. Yes it is possible to get food poisoning because swallowing sperm will not counteract it.