

Is there a certain way a repo man can tow a vehicle?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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There is several different ways we can get a car and no matter how smart you think you are there are only about four ways that maybe save your car will save your unpaid for property.A garage-its got to come out sometime,A locked gate-but can be picked or replaced with the same lock but with my new key haha,Or the good ol trading game-but remember people will always talk for money,and last but not least the blocking it in with their other veh-but our trucks work very quick and most are quiet also who says you werent already parked on the st,But to answer your question, No there isn't really any way we cant get a veh no matter how you park it, frontwheel drive rearwheel drive allwheel drive,wheels turned,e-brake on backed in nose in parallal parked,sitting on its roof,it realy doesnt matter.In most cases no B.S. at all,we are in and out in about 30 secs.Even if you are sitting in the window taking sleeping shifts with you wife,before you can get your pants on your to late.But even if you do catch us most of us don't even have to get out of the truck to load the car and please don't punch our windows as they are very hard and hands are soft and im yet to have one break. So if this didnt answer your? Give me a situation and I can prob give you a way to get it. Another thing payments are ment to be unpaid as laws are ment to be broken. The more you try and anger us off the more it makes us want the car and remember I feed my family by getting your car. So just remember WHILE YOUR SLEEPING WE'LL BE CREEPIN.

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Q: Is there a certain way a repo man can tow a vehicle?
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Yes but he is not allowed to tow the vehicle with a person in it.

What do you do when repo man is here?

Repo agents aren’t allowed to ”break the peace”. By simply confronting or sitting inside your vehicle, they will be unable to tow. This doesn’t mean law enforcement won’t be called in which case you may possibly have to turn over the car, usually depending on your states laws.

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What type of license are required in Georgia to run a repo tow truck?

Whatever the GVW of the vehicle requires.

In Texas law can a repo man place felony charges?

Who or what do you mean by "the repo man?" If it is the lender you are referring to, yes, they can. If they are attempting to repossess the vehicle because of your non-payment on the installment contract, AND you are concealing, or keeping them from recovering their property, they could charge you with Grand Larceny for intentionally depriving them of their property. On the other hand, if by "repo man" you mean the agent who is actually driving the tow truck, no, they could not - UNLESS that person also happens to be the lender/owner of the vehicle.

What if the car being repoed will not start?

Most likely, the repo man will hook the car to a tow truck or put it on a flatbed tow truck.

Could a repo man tow the car if there's an animal is in it?

No, they take it out and take it to an animal shelter.

What makes repo trucks different from other vehicles?

Repo trucks are essentially the same as a tow truck or flatbed tow truck. They are used to repossess vehicles for non-payment. They have a larger engine, reinforced frames and hydraulic lifts that are needed to tow another vehicle. Repo trucks, depending on the size and tonnage, may require a commercial drivers license to operate.

What kind of tools does a repo man use?

A repo man uses tools that can break locks and chain up moveable assets. A common tool for every repo man is the tow truck. The truck needs chains, lifts and a pulley system to work effectively.

Can a buy here pay here car lot repo after 7 days late?

Some places have the ability to take your car away if you don't pay car lot fees if you are trying to sell your car on their lot. If you didn't sign a contract through them, then they can't repo your car. They will most likely tow your car off the lot and you have to pay expenses on it. If you signed a contract where you must leave your vehicle on the lot for certain amount of days or months then yes they might be able to repo your vehicle if it states in the contract they can. If you are not on a contract of any kind then no they can not repo your car. They will instead tow your car off the lot.

Can a repo man tow other peoples vehicles to get to your car?

No they cannot Sincerely, Chicago's New Accident Recovery

Can a repo man take your car if there is no insurance on it?

Yes. He's not going to drive your car. He's going to hook a wrecker (tow truck) to it and tow it to a holding lot.