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I am married to a narcissist, a high percentage will not admit that they have a problem like this. The best thing to do is to find one and just talk to them. Keeping in mind the disorder fact that the behavior and thought patterns are mainly of a 6 year old. I struggled for 12 years and just found out why he never acted like he loved me.


Yes, I would be willing to answer a few questions. What the contributer above says about the behavior and thought patterns of a narcissist being mainly of a 6 year old is basically true - there is a maturation process that most narcissists seemed to have skipped. I'm not sure if there is a typical narcissist, some use rage, others use passive aggression, and some use both tactics to control, and control is what it is all about for a narcissist. Let me explain a typical relationship scenerio for me. I would meet someone and I would immediately fall in love(?) and it would be so wonderful and I just knew that the relationship was going to last forever. I loved being in love, I mean "in attention", at first because the feeling was so blissful and it gave me such a high, and most of all it was, "oh this person finds ME so attractive and so wonderful and yes how can she help but not too, because, HELLO EVERYONE, I am attractive and wonderful. I was a peacock in full color, strutting around, being soooo nice, doing everything I could possibly do to "show off " this wonderful, wonderful person who I thought I was. And everyone actually thought I was totally wonderful, which just added fuel to to my over-inflated egocentric way of thinking of myself. I would even think of marriage during the first week of a relationship because I absolutely knew that my mate would certainly say "yes" - how could she resist such a wonderful proposal. Sometime's I would pop the question just to see and sure enough the answer was more often the not a yes, or at least a tenetive yes. God, what total a jerk I was to do something like that. Then, as all relationships go, the shine would start to wear off and things would settle down to real life and that's when I would become scared that the relationship was ending and with it the feeling of being omnipotent. I would panic and do weird things to take control so I wouldn't lose my source of narcissistic suppy. I would disappear for a few days to make her chase after me so I could hear that she still cared. After I wore that tactic to the ground, I would do other passive aggressive things or initiate little fights again to get a reaction to see if she still cared. And on and on and on. The thing narcissists don't realize is that if you think you are "right on" ALL the time then someone else is "left out". The result is that there are a lot of lonely narcissists in this world, because most people with even a the slightest amount of self respect would not put up with behavior like that for long. (Are you listening?) There's much more to the narcissist story, and there are ways that you can bring them to their knees, but why would you want to bother? I realize that I am a narcissist. I would like not to be. There is no magic pill that a person can take to change narcissistic behavior. If you have a question you would like to ask, I will do my best to answer.


I am pleased that someone is this honest out there! Just reading this has helped me understand that I am not alone struggling with a N. Your description of relationships is entirely my experience with my narcissistic partner (though he is a lot more severe!) - the whole destroying it before it destroys me tactic has completely worn me out emotionally! A year in and I just can't take any more of it. He is constantly saying things like "well, if I'm not good enough for you"... if I criticise him in any way it's such an attack on his fragile ego that he sulks for days. It's always me who has to piece things back together. I'm all out of positivity! I can't keep putting positive spins on everything and do everything to make a relationship work. I feel like I'm bashing my head against a brick wall.

What do you do with relationships now? Can you control this behaviour?

Answer: To the woman above from the narcissist above

I haven't been in a relationship in over 6 years and this is significant because I have been married 3 times, I have been in a live-in relationship with 3 other women plus I have had numerous other relationships. Interestingly enough, I always felt that it was the other person who was responsible for the breakup. Unlucky at love I suppose. I know to have felt that way was entirely untrue. Knowing what I know now about myself and Narcissism, I still wouldn't place any bets on how sucessful I would be a new relationship. Think of the narcissist who is clueless about themself. Asking them to try to control their behavior would be like asking them to change the color of their eyes. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist and a problem arises, the narcissist will almost always feel that the other person is deficient and therefore they will feel totally justified in acting the way they do towards you. The narcissist will want you to fix the problem so they will no longer have to act that way, and if you don't fix it, it's too bad for you if you have to suffer. They are right, you are wrong, so why do they have to trouble themselves for your inadequacies. My advise, if you haven't already done so, is to run from this person as if your hair was on fire!

"and there are ways that you can bring them to their knees, but why would you want to bother?" - I do....:)

So, how do I bring them to their knees?:)

Thank you anyway, you are wonderful!

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Yes. Go onto: Then type in: Treatment for Narcissistic Personality Disorder?" Don't be surprised to find that there is little help because Narcissists are not labeled "Narcissistic" without a good reason. They feel they are right and everyone else is wrong, so it's highly doubtful they would ever seek counseling and if they did they wouldn't believe what the counselor told them anyway. Few Narcissistic people are every helped and therefore it's difficult to really study a group of people that are narcissistic.

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There are many cases where the Narcissistic personality is learned from their environment and perhaps one parent or both can be Narcissistic. No matter whether one is Narcissistic or not, parents will often back their children when it comes to different problems whether their children are right or wrong. Even some of my own friends with children in their late teens to their 20s will make up rediculous excuses for their child's behavior. To parents whether their child is 5 - 55 that person is still the parent's child. Unless this person has had a diagnosis from a professional you are second-guessing they are a Narcissist and they could simply be a spoiled brat, selfish, inconsiderate, moody, self indulgent or a plain pain in the butt!

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is believed to result from childhood experiences and possibly hereditary factors.There is always a chance that a child of a narcissist will develop some of that person's personality traits. However, some narcissistic behavior is normal to most humans at some times. If you are concerned about your current behavior, you might want to speak with a therapist who can help you clarify it in your own mind. If you are concerned about the future, don't let it worry you. Live your life, and deal with problems IF they arise. Worrying has never solved anything.

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Hi, Yes some Narcissistic people can be prone to similar behavious that is expressed in a manic depressive person. Also some manic depressive, during the early stages of the illness can be diagnosed as Narcisstic.

What personality type dovetails with a narcissistic male?

The codependents are controlling in a passive aggressive way, thinking they can change the narcissists with their special love and time. They are the only ones strong enough and special enough to break through to them.A delusional, gullible, naive person dovetails well with a narcissistic male.They refuse to see the real traits,constantly second-guessing themselves, denying or making excuses for the narcissist behavior, giving the narcissist the beneit of the doubt, over and over to their own detriment and damage. They begin (part of their delusions) thinking they are responsible for the narcissists behavior and they have to protect them against themselves.

What is narcissism injury?

"What is a narcissistic injury?" Whatever you internalize from his/her conduct as your fault. As guilt tripping and projecting is apart of abuse and manipulation used by abusers to weaken your sense of self and resolve. If you understand he/she owns their own conduct and self destructive behavior and remove them from the realm of your feelings the injury belongs to them and not you. Best wishes Narcissistic injury is not what the narcissist does to you, but what they think you've done to them. Criticizing the narcissists causes HUGE narcissistic injury. Ignoring a narcissist causes them injury. Failing to see them as Gods...ect. Eventually everyone will cause a narcissistic injury to a narcissist and they will devalue you.

How can we reduce narcissist behavior?

Adding empathy and integrity to your character.

What do you think is wrong with a person that acts like they have mastered everything in the world?

They are very full of themselves and hard to be around. I would confrunt them and tell them how they are acting or just avoid them and go on with your day. This person may be a narcissist because this is typical narcissistic behavior. Narcissist like to think they know everything and cant stand others around them to be smart or question them. A narcissist will tell a baker how to bake, a teacher how to teach ect...or they will edit a good answer because they didn't write it, nobody else's opinion is any good to a narcissist, actually its an insult to them that you don't agree with them. I agree with the previous post....avoid them.

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No, feeling horrified upon realizing one is a narcissist does not necessarily contradict the diagnosis, as narcissists can experience moments of self-awareness and regret. It could indicate a level of insight and understanding of one's behavior, but addressing these feelings and seeking professional help would be beneficial in addressing narcissistic traits.

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There is nothing NORMAL about a narcissistic. There is nothing NORMAL about stealing. This is just the way she is and it's wrong no matter what.

Is there such a thing as passive-aggressive narcissist?

Passive-aggressive behavior is one of the narcissists' favorite tools.