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Usually the liver, lungs, brain and bones.

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Q: Is there distinct organs that breast cancer metastasizes to?
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Is prostate cancer terminal when it reaches the bone?

When any type of cancer metastasizes and spreads to the bone or other organs, this is very serious. Only a trained doctor who looks at the pathology of patient who has cancer that has spread to the bone can make such a diagnosis.

Can mesothelioma cause breast cancer?

Mesothelioma usually affects internal organs in the chest & abdomen, have never heard of it associated with breast-cancer!

What is it call when breast cancer move from one area to another organ?

When breast cancer spreads from the original site to another part of the body, it is called metastatic breast cancer. This stage of cancer is also known as stage IV breast cancer. It can affect organs such as the bones, liver, lungs, or brain.

Can breast cancer metastasize to the liver?

Yes, breast cancer can metastasize to the liver. Metastasis refers to the spread of cancer cells from the primary tumor to other parts of the body. In the case of breast cancer, the liver is one of the common sites where metastasis may occur. When breast cancer metastasizes to the liver, it means that cancer cells from the breast have traveled through the bloodstream or lymphatic system and formed secondary tumors in the liver. Liver metastasis may affect the functioning of the liver and can lead to various symptoms such as: Abdominal pain or discomfort: Due to the enlargement of the liver. Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and eyes caused by liver dysfunction. Unexplained weight loss: Resulting from the impact on overall health. Fatigue: Due to the strain on the liver and the body. It's important for individuals with breast cancer to undergo regular monitoring and screenings to detect any signs of metastasis. Early detection allows for more effective management and treatment strategies. Treatment for metastatic breast cancer involving the liver often involves a combination of systemic therapies, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, and, in some cases, surgical interventions. The specific treatment plan will depend on the characteristics of the breast cancer, the extent of metastasis, and individual factors.

Is breast cancer deadly?

If you don't get treatment in time it can be. Also of you have the so called breast cancer-gene which is hereditary there is a increased risk of dying since it has a tendency to spread quickly to other organs.

What kind of cancer is skin cancer?

There are many different types of skin cancer. I suggest you do a search for "different kinds of skin cancer" to find out about all the different types.

Which skin cancer is at risk for metastasis?

All skin cancers have the potential to metastasize but melanoma is the most likely to spread or metastasize to other parts of the body. Squamous cell is the next most likely to spread. Basal cell rarely metastasizes.

How did Lorena Rojas die?

Lorena Rojas died on February 16th, 2015, due to breast cancer. She was battling the cancer since 2008, and it started spreading to other organs.

CAN a person who had breast cancer donate organs after they die in a car crash?

I do not think so, one cannot give blood either.

What is stage 4 metastatic breast cancer?

Stage 4 breast cancer has a lower survival rate than lower stages. When someone has been diagnosed with this stage it means that the original location of the cancer has masticated or spread to other parts of the body. Agressive therapy including chemotherapy and radiation is used to treat it.

What does it mean when a cancer metastasizes?

Metastatic cancer is not a type of cancer, it is a stage of the disease, a late stage. Most cancer types can form new tumours in the body, like a weed sends its seeds in the wind to sprout into more weeds. The new tumours are called "metastases". Metastatic cancer is cancer that has already started this seeding-out process. The first place where cancer metastasizes is in the lymph nodes. Later, it can go to the liver, the lungs, the bones, in fact just about anywhere. For a person with cancer, knowing if there are metastases or not is very important because it is a sign that the cancer is aggressive. Cancer without metastases is often curable but metastatic cancer is usually not curable.

Is prostate cancer among men is equally as common as breast cancer is among woman?

No. Prostate cancer affects the prostate, and breast cancer affects the breasts. They affect different types of cells, and the cells have different types of changes.