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No. Two placentas indicates dizygotic twins which always has 2 amnions and 2 chorions.

This is a common misconception. My own twins are identical, yet they had separate sacs and separate placentas that implanted on polar opposite sides of the uterus. DNA tested have proven their zygosity. Whether identical twins will have their own placentas is dependent upon when the egg split. In my case, the egg probably splip immediately after conception and conception likely took place in the fallopian tube.

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Sometimes twins can share a placenta, and other times they can each have their own placenta.

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Why do fraternal twins have their own placenta?

Identical twins may or may not share the same placenta . Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas.

Does 2 sacs and one placenta mean fraternal twins?

I am pretty sure because that is how my twins are at the moment that one placenta and two sacs mean identical twins more often than fraternal and more often identical if they are the same sex

Your friend is pregnant with twins they r in two different sacs and share a placenta and one is a boy and one is a girl?

They are dizygotic. Fraternal twins.

How Do Fraternal Twins Occur and Identical Twins Occur?

Fraternal twins (dizygotic twins) are simply two fertilized eggs that are implanted in the uterus at the same time. Identical twins (monozygotic twins) is one fertilized egg that separates into two embryos. In most cases, identical twins share one placenta, but have separate amniotic sacs. In some cases, they have two placentas. In rare cases, they share both the placenta and the amniotic sac.

What is the difference between idetical and non idetical twins in the way they are found?

The difference between Identical and Non-Identical twins is that Identical twins share the same placenta and are basically identical to one another. Non-Identical twins do not share the same placenta in the womb and two eggs fertilized at time of conception as opposed to one egg splitting in the case of Identical twins. I think that covers the basics. Hope this has clarified things for you.

What is a description of fetal twin-twin transfusion syndrome?

One twin pumps the circulating blood for both twins because of placenta defects. Affecting up to 15% of twins sharing a placenta, TTTS can lead to a variety of problems including heart failure.

What are the issues doctors and parents face when a conjoined twins are born?

one of the twins may be dead, therefore stuck onto a dead body.

Scan showed baby and yolk sack. Could it be twins?

Not unless there was more than one baby. It is common to see both yolk sack and baby until the placenta forms but if there are not 2 separate heart beats then there is probably only one baby.

What is the name of the condition where there is only one set of blood vessels feeding the placenta during pregnancy as opposed to one into and one out of the placenta?

There are many blood vessels on the surface of the uterus which 'feed' the placenta. In the umbilical cord there are usually two arteries and one vein, the arteries taking deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta and one vein taking oxygentated blood fron the placenta to the fetus. Occasionally there nmay be only a single umbilical artery which may be a sign of a kideny malformation in the fetus.

What is twin to twin transfusion?

Twin to Twin Transfusion syndrome is a disease of the placenta in identical twins. The twins share both blood and nutrients. The placenta shunts more blood and nutrients to one twin while starving the other twin. There is only a 20% of survival and most all who survive are pre-term. My girls survived and we were diagnosed at 17 weeks. They were born at 30 weeks, 1lb 15 oz and 2 lbs 14 oz.

Can have twins in the harvest moon island of Happiness?

You can't have twins. You will only have one child.

How can you tell from an ultrasound if twins are sharing a placenta?

You cannot always tell. Sometimes the fertilised eggs implant very close together and it looks like one placenta. If the babies are in separate sacs there is probably no need to worry. Your doctor should be able to tell you.