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censorship and terror

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Q: Josef stalin's leadership of soviet union can best be characterized as a period of?
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What characterized Joseph Stalin leadership of the soviet union?

determination efficiency patience charisma knowledge

Stalins Soviet Union was not fascist because it was?


Who was Joseph stalins primaryopponent for controlof the Soviet Union?

Well he had a few such as Trotsky, Lenin, and the Soviet people as a whole.

Was Lenin's leadership and success?

Lenin's leadership was characterized by his revolutionary ideology and strategic thinking, which allowed him to lead the Bolsheviks to power during the October Revolution in 1917. He sought to establish a socialist society through the establishment of the Soviet Union. Despite facing opposition and challenges, Lenin's leadership was instrumental in shaping the early years of the Soviet state.

What was a positive outcome of stalins five years plan in russia?

some soviet industries succeeded and expanded.some soviet industries succeded and expanded

How the Soviet Union changed under new leadership?

In soviet russia leadership doesn't change.

What best described stalins attitude and policy towards the soviet regions throughout most of his regions?


Goal of Soviet policy known as destalinization was to?

to purge the country of Stalin's Memory (:

The Soviet economy was characterized by?

centralized planning.

What was Stalin 's approach to leadership?

Stalin's approach to leadership was characterized by centralization of power, authoritarian control, and suppression of dissent. He ruled with an iron fist, purging those deemed disloyal and consolidating his authority through propaganda and fear tactics. His leadership style was marked by a cult of personality, with a focus on industrialization and transforming the Soviet Union into a superpower.

What Joseph stalins political party?

CPSU - The Communist Party of Soviet Union (Russian: КПСС - Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза)

On what political idea did president Truman base on the marshal plan?

as the power of capitalism increased in Europe....stalins power in Soviet Union decreases