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Stalin's approach to leadership was characterized by centralization of power, authoritarian control, and suppression of dissent. He ruled with an iron fist, purging those deemed disloyal and consolidating his authority through Propaganda and fear tactics. His leadership style was marked by a cult of personality, with a focus on industrialization and transforming the Soviet Union into a superpower.

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Q: What was Stalin 's approach to leadership?
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1953 was Stalin's last year of leadership. He died March 5, 1953.

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His leaderships ended after his death, 5 March 1953.

What words could you use to describe Stalin and his type of leadership?

Bumderclart maybe?

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Stalin refused to take advice from others and ruled as a dictator, always believing his own way was best.

What is contingency approach in leadership?

contingency approach in leadership are from three main factors" 1.leader member relations 2.position Power. 3.Task structure

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censorship and terror