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Q: Leukocyte whose granules numbers are elevated in allergic reactions is?
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WBCs with dense reddish granules that increase in allergic reactions?

Eosinophils are the type of leukocyte which assist in fighting allergens and parasitic infections. Eosinophils can be identified by their granules which attract the red stain, eosin, and by their bi-lobed nuclei.

White blood cell with reddish granules numbers increase in allergic reactions?


What is the meaning of basophils?

Basophils are white blood cells with large dark blue granules. They are involved in allergic reactions

The granular leukocyte that stains red is?

EosinophilA granular leukocyte, the granules of which have an affinity for the acid dye of Wright's stain (eosin). The granules are large, round, uniform in size, red-orange in color and are shiny and refractile.

What leukocyte is formed in bone marrow and having neutral staining granules?

That would be a Neutrophil. :)

What is polymorphonnuclear?

Polymorphonnuclear is an adjective describing a leukocyte as having a nuclei with several lobes and a cytoplasm containing granules.

What is the leukocyte distinguished by having distinctive red stained granules?

Eosinophils are the granular leukocytes that stain red. They are important elements of the body's immune defense against pathogens and allergens.

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reactions that produce?

The granules of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion are believed to be the site of chemical reactions that produce the electron transport system that generates a proton gradient. Also site of the ATPase complex which uses the proton gradient to produce ATP.

What happens when dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules . Is it an exothermic or an endothermic reaction?

The reactions between metals and acids are always endothermic.

What is blood eosinophil?

Eosinophils are produced in the bone marrow, along with other white blood cells and red blood cells. Eosinophils cells participate in engulfing and killing bacteria and other microorganisms such as parasites. They discharge destructive enzyme to damage the invader. Eosinophils release chemicals that destroy parasitic worms and their eggs. They also engulf and destroy foreign cells like pollen, and animal dander.

What is granules is sugar is a granules?

The size of the granules differ depending on what kind of sugar you are talking about.

Why the sugar granules is sample of matter What is the reason?

sugar granules is the sample matter