

Modern day Inuit lived where?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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14y ago

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Alaska, Canada, and Greenland

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Q: Modern day Inuit lived where?
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Are the Philistines Trojan?

The Philistines lived in what is modern-day Palestine and Israel. The Trojans llived in Troy, just southeast of present day Istanbul (in what is now the northwest coastal area of modern-day Turkey).

Who are the native Americans who live in the sub arctic climate?

The inuit's lived in sub arctic climate.

What indian group lived in the far north?

There were two Indian groups who lived in the far north. These were the Inuit and the Inuvialuit. Both tribes were the descendants of the Thule tribe.

Where did the iniuts live?

well they lived in the arctic inigloos The Inuit igloos were not too crowded. In one basic dome or igloo there would be one traditional family. Inuit would use domes for torage. The Inuit would store meat to dry and their summer clothes. The Inuit people did not have many things in their igloos and domes .At the back of dome was a platform across the snow blocks on the inside .They used this platform for eating during the day. In the night the Inuit people would use this platform for sleeping. They would put animal skins down on the platform. The igloo also had a fireplace and a hole in the roof so the smoke can get the smoke out. The Inuit had many different shelters.

Did Esther and Daniel live in Shushan at the same time?

A:The consensus of historians and biblical scholars is that the Books of Daniel and Esther were both novels, written long after the events portrayed, and therefore both Daniel and Esther were both literary creations. Although they were not real people, Daniel is portrayed as living at a slightly earlier period than Esther.Answer 2No. Even if the Esther and Daniel stories are taken as history, Esther not only lived after Daniel (by about a century), but she was the only one who lived in Shushan (in modern day Iran). Daniel lived in Babylon (in modern day Iraq) and Persepolis (in modern day Iran).

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Which Indians lived in Alaska?

The Inuit and Aleuts.

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Did inuit live in villages?

Inuit houses a long time ago differed according to there region. If it was cooler most lived in igloos. But if it was hotter they used different materials but it was kind of the formation of the igloo just different material's.

What is the name of the territory that the Inuit people own?

The Inuit people lived in Nunavut.

Did they have trees were the inuit lived?

yes the inuit had trees where they lived but it was not a very big variety. such as : the birch,maple and some other trees that can survive cold weather.

How did the inuit tribe get warm when they lived in a iglo and the fire would have melted?

The Inuit did not live in ice huts.

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the atakapa lived near modern-day

What region did inuit live in?

They lived in the northeast region.

How did the Inuit people live?

They lived in igloos. No heat, they lived in the snow & they had to hunt their animals.......