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Q: My baby has been fully engaged for two weeks now how long intil labor?
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Will labor start soon if I am 37 weeks 2cm dilated station 0 and having lots of irregular contractions or can I still have a couple weeks to go?

There is really no straight answer for that. Your baby is fully engaged, but that doesn't necessarily mean labor is imminent. It does mean that your body is getting ready though. Good luck!

37 weeks pregnant and babies head is fully engaged what does this mean?

I believe that this means the babies head is in the correct position for birth.

How long can you be engaged or baby ready for before going into labor?

You can be effaced and dialated for weeks with your first child.... Thanks for putting a downer on me lol joke thanks for answer much needed

37 weeks and 5 days im fully thinned out and 1 centimeter dilated how soon will you go into labor?

It all depends on when the baby is ready. You can be thinned out and dilated for some time before labor truly begins.

How long does it take to go into labor if you are 37 weeks 4 cm dilated and fully effaced but baby hasn't dropped?

The baby can drop in labor. It is always not easy to distinguish when the baby drops. I have had 3 children and never knew when they dropped I only knew when labor kicked in.

Im 35 weeks pregnant ive been 2cm dialated for almost 2 weeks and you want to induce your labor is it a good idea to induce your labor by having sex or how should you induce your labor?

sex and walking is good try squats and stairs but i would wait till you are at least 38 weeks, just so make sure your babys lungs are fully developed p.s. i have herd male sperm helps soften the cervics

Help to go in labor but only 34 weeks and 3 days. need methods.?

This is way too early to go into labor as your baby is not yet ready to live in the outside world. Babies are not considered fully mature until at least 37 weeks, and even then some of them will need longer. A baby born at 34 weeks is considered to be premature, and may well have to have special care to enable them to breathe. Trying to bring on labor at this stage will not work. The methods usually used will only increase the chances of going into labor if the body is ready to give birth anyway. This is not the case at 34 weeks.

How many weeks before labor?

40 weeks or 10 months.

You are almost 39 weeks pregnant your doctor said the baby is fully engaged and dropped and you are dilated to a 1 and have constant cramps could this mean labor is almost here?

yes it could mean you are going to labor i would get it checked first they may just send you home or admit you for a few hours if you dialte anymore Yes. This is the kind of question you should ask your doctor. If your water breaks or leaks get to the hospital immediately. If the cramping does not stop, get to the hospital. Good luck with your baby.

Is it dangerous to have an engaged fetus at the AOG of 32 weeks?

I believe that is the normal time frame for a baby to start dropping. Also they can move even after they have dropped that low in your pelvis. i.e. the breech babies. My baby was 100% engaged at my 38week appointment and then she turned and at 39 weeks we delivered through a c-section. So don't worry if you don't have any of the other signs of preterm labor you should be fine.

After 2 weeks of labor is the baby dead?

please elaborate...what do you mean by labor, for 2 weeks? Labor doesnt kill a baby, so if one is really in labor for 2 weeks, ( which I've never heard of) there's no reason for a baby to be dead. however, 2 weeks of labor might kill the mom ! Just joking. Seriously though, more information is needed to answer this question properly.

At how many weeks can you start having false labor?

False labor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions usually occur in the 2 weeks prior to real labor, especially with the first childbirth.