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I don't want to worry you, but I had situation that could or could not be similar as yours. I was at 10 weeks when I started to bleed . Bleeding was not heavy, and I did not have any pain, but my doctor recommended me to go to the emergency room (It could have been because on my age. I am 42 now.) . I went to the emergency and the doctor at the emergency told me that i was going to have a miscarriage. My HCG level was about 6,900 which it is not normal for 10 weeks and had an intravaginal ultrasound that show that I was 8 weeks and not 10. The doctor at the emergency sent me home and told me to come back if I started to have heavy bleeding. The bleeding continue. It was not heavy and I did not have any pain. I saw my OBGYN 2 days after my visit to the emergency room and my doctor told me that he wanted to do another quantitative beta HCG test. He did a Pelvic exam and noticed that my cervix was still closed and he requested another ultrasound, which I was planning to take next Monday. I went home and the next day after my visit to the doctor, I started to bleed a little more than before. I also started to feel a light pain on my lower abdomen. I had a miscarrage that evening.

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Q: My doctor told me I was miscarring at 9 weeks I have started bleeding or spotting but nothing else. How long until you actually miscarry?
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Yes, irregular bleeding or spotting is a common side effect of the contraceptive implant.

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This would only be abnormal if the spotting on the eighth day is bright red. Actually, I have always happened this to me - bleeding for 5 days, not bleeding one day, and then bleeding bright red and a lot for another 2 days. What it meant for me was that I have an inverted (heart shaped) uterus. This causes the disruption in bleeding. At least that's what I was told.

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No, spotting and breakthrough bleeding does not count as the first day of your period. Spotting and breakthrough bleeding is an annoyance that occurs as an unwanted side effect of birth control. However, frequent spotting or breakthrough bleeding can also be a sign that you need a higher dosage of birth control.

Are there signs such as cramping when you miscarry?

Yes, cramping is a sign of miscarriage along with spotting. Go see your dr or medical clinic. The craming is actually contractions and in some cases worse than actual labour.

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It could be ovulation spotting, a light period or implantation bleeding

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When you start birth control it is not unlikely to have spotting or breakthrough bleeding. This is a side effect that can last up to 3 months or longer. You should not stop taking your birth control because you will actually mess up your cycle and when you will have your period. You will also experience more spotting or breakthrough bleeding if you stop now. The spotting will go away,however, you should visit your physician to consider changing the dosage of birth control. Spotting and breakthrough bleeding usually stops when switched to a higher dosage of birth control.

Can you have more than one period a month on the pill?

Not necessarily, most likely this "second period" is spotting or breakthrough bleeding. Spotting/ Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding before or in between menstrual cycles.