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unstable ion channels

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Q: Myocardial cells can generate action potentials spontaneously because they have?
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What is myocardial degeneration?

Senile myocardial degeneration is degeneration of the heart. Often a heart valve has to be replaced because of this degeneration.

What is senile myocardial degeneration?

Senile myocardial degeneration refers to age-related changes in the structure and function of the heart, particularly in elderly individuals. These changes may include fibrosis, stiffening of the heart muscle, and alterations in the conduction system of the heart. It can lead to decreased cardiac function and an increased risk of heart-related conditions.

What is the contractile cell?

Contractile cells are the smooth muscle cells of the heart that... contract. They get their signal from the nodes within the heart, which spontaneously fire action potentials (because of leak channels).

How does a drug that increases the length of time required for the repolarization of pacemaker cells affect the heat rate?

would decrease the heart rate, because the pacemaker cells would generate fewer action potentials per minute

Can resting membrane potentials be positive?

No, because the RMP is -70mV.

What you mean by autorhythmicity?

The pacemaker is known as the SA node (sinotrial) and it generates action potentials to the AV node and then to the bundle of his down to the purkinje fibers. The branching of cardiac muscle tissue and the intercalated discs allow action potentials to propagate to other cardiac mt cells. The autorhythmicity of the heart is attributed to the fact that it creates its own action potentials from the SA node and can be generated independently from the rest of the body. The heart's autorhythmicity also prevents it from reaching tetanus (like a skeletal muscle does), because myocardial tissue only allows a certain amount of action potentials through before it reaches its absolute refractory period when it comes to a plateau and after the wave drops again and gets hit with another action potential it has already rested.

How does Myocardial Atrophy affect the heart?

Myocardial atrophy is a condition where the heart chambers decrease in size. The heart muscle atrophy or shrink because of cancer or other similar conditions.

Why is phosphurous stored in water?

Because it can spontaneously ignite in air.

Why does pericarditis cause a reduction in cardiac output?

because the force of myocardial contraction weakens

Why doesn't a match spontaneously combust?

A match can't spontaneously combust because it need someone or something to strike it. It can't combust on it's own TRC

When was the Myocardial Perfusion Scan discovered?

It must have been before yesterday because I had one yesterday

Reactions that do not proceed spontaneously because they require energy from an outside source are called?
