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  • its a compound that u need so i will get it 4 u
  • nope jokin lol
  • :)
  • im so cool B)
  • lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
  • bbmc
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Ten Examples would be...

Canl which is tablesalt

water compound

plus 7 more

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Q: Name 10 compounds and give the formula?
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What would you needto do to calculate the molality to 10 molecules of NaCl in 200 molecules of water?

Molality of a solution is defined as the number of gram moles, for molecular compounds, or gram formula unit masses, for ionic compounds, mixed with each kilogram of solvent. Sodium chloride is the solute in the question, and water is the solvent. Avogadro's Number is defined as the number of formula units required to constitute one gram formula unit and has the value of about 6.022 X 1023. Therefore, 10 formula units of NaCl constitutes 10/(6.022 X 1023) or about 1.6606 X 10-23 gram formula unit. The gram molecular mass of water is 18.0518. Therefore, 200 molecules of water contains (200)(18.0518)/(6.022 X 1023) or about 599.5 X 10-23 grams or 0.5995 X 10-23) kilograms. Therefore, the molality of the given mixture is 1.6606/0.59995* or about 2.768. ________ *The number 10-23 appears in both numerator and denominator, and therefore need not be included in this fraction.

What is the difference between a cell name and the data stored in a cell?

The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.The cell name can be something like C3 or F22 or K29, or it can be given an actual name. Using a cell address we can refer to the cell. What is in the cell is the cell contents which can be data or a formula. When we use a formula we refer to the cell address and the formula uses the content of the cell. If 10 was in cell C3 and 20 was in cell C4 then you could use the following formula:=C3+C4The result would be 30, as the formula uses the content of the cells.

How many formula units of salt make up 10 moles?

10 formula units

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It is the best name to name your boy.It was in the top 10 from 1989-2007. I recommend tfor you to give this special name to your son.

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Scientists have found more than 10 million compounds. At least 9 million are molecular compounds that contain carbon. killme

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Multiple the fraction with the number. For example, what is 1/2 of 10? 1/2 * 10 = 5.

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Wt is the formula to convert cgpa to percentage in 10 point scale

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Carbon is the element that forms maximum number of compounds

Why are text numbers considered constant values in Excel?

They are constants, because they do not change. If you type a value into a cell that value cannot change until something else is typed in. If you type a formula in, the formula will display a result. The result it shows can change when other things change in the worksheet. Any text or values typed directly into a formula won't change, but if cell references are used in the formulas then the values in those cells can change. For example, the formula =10+5 will always give 15 because 10 and 5 are constants, but the formula =A2+A3 can give a different result depending on what is in the cells A2 and A3.

What is the value of y in the formula 'y divided by -10 equals 12'?

The formula is: y/-10 = 12 Multiplying both sides by -10 gives, y * -10/-10 = 12 * -10 Thus y = -120