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Q: Nectar feeding pollinators are attracted to a flower by its color and?
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What is the nectar for in the flower?

Attracting pollinators (insects etc) to the flower.

Does a hibiscus flower have nectar?

All flowers have nectar, it is what draws pollinators to the plant ensuring fertilization.

How does a honeysuckle attract pollinators?

Flower and scent. Pollinators are attracted by either one or both.

How does pollination occur in Tulips?

Tulips cross pollinate naturally with the aid of pollinators like birds, butterflies, and bees. The pollen attaches itself to the pollinators while they are feeding on the flower's nectar. Then the pollinators accidentally transfer the pollen when at a second flower. You can cross-pollinate tulips by hand and is usually done if there are no pollinators or if there are desired traits that the gardener wishes to pass off to the offspring

How does a frangipani reproduce?

The flowers have no nectar, and simply dupe their pollinators. The moths inadvertently pollinate them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their fruitless search for nectar.

What is flower nectar?

Sugar-rich liquid produced in glands called nectares is what flower nectar is. It may be found within the flower in order to attract pollinators. But nectar also may be produced in glands outside the flower in order to attract non-pollinators into defensive arrangements whereby the entire plant is protected against unwanted predation.

How does making nectar help flowers become pollinated?

The nectar attracts bees (or other insects) who collect it and bring it back to the hive. Pollen rubs on the bees boddy, and it effectivly carries it to another flower where the pollen will fertilise it.

How does the location of nectaries help to pollinate the flower?

Pollinators are attracted to the nectar. When they are feeding on the nectar, they pick up pollen and/or deposit pollen. The location of the nectaries is such as to make the pollinators touch the pollen to pick it up or to deposit it.

What role does nectar have in the process of pollination?

Bees go to different flowers to collect nectar. When the bee is near the flower the pollen grains stick to the bee. When the bee moves to another flower the pollen grains itself jump from the bee to stigma. In this way it helps in pollenation.

What part of the flower attracts butterflies?

Butterflies are attracted to nectar which are produced in the nectary glands of a flower.

What flower parts attract honeybees the most?

Bees want the nectar to make honey. The bees move pollen from flower to flower while they gather the nectar.

What is the function of the nectary?

A Septal Nectary is tissue within a plant ovary that produces nectar. Its function is to produce nectar to attract pollinators. After pollination, if the plant continues to secrete nectar, it will attract ants who will protect the developing fruit from predators in exchange for the nectar.