

New ideas from the Crusades

Updated: 11/3/2022
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14y ago

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There were no new ideas from crusades in fact they learned the ideas,things.

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Q: New ideas from the Crusades
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Did the crusades open trades between Europe and china via the silk road?

No, the crusades never were near Asia. The crusaders did bring back new ideas, foods, math, science, and other things.

Despite failure to achieve its goal of recapturing the holy land this movement helped increase trade and brought new ideas to Europe?


How did Muslim ideas spread to Europe during the Crusades?

Trade and War

Why did the crusades result in cultural diffusion?

The Crusaders brought back many new ideas and inventions and things such as spices, architectural designs and much more including construction skills and ideas from the muslims that were in palestine at the time

What was the goals of the crusades?

There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.

What was the goal of crusades?

There are two types of crusades: the political crusades and the religious crusades. The crusades are used to win new converts and inform. Political crusades are usually used for power and fame.

How did the crusades affect the people that fought in the war?

This is a very broad question. Do you mean Europeans, Saracens, or both? But ideas might be two-fold. Some people who fought in the Crusades benefited greatly from the new ideas, pillage, ransom, and trade they gained while others suffered famine, poor nutrition, disease, injury, and death.

How did the crusades affect the whole world?

Spread of RELIGION and many other ideas :)

How did Muslim knowledge spread to Europe?

It was brought back by men who had been in the crusades. Cross cultural learning happens when people go to places and learn new ideas, foods, and inventions. The end result was the ideas that pushed Europe into the Neoplatonic movement .

What role did the crusades have in changing the European worldview?

crusades increased contact with other people, increased traveling by Europeans, and brought people from all over that shared their ideas.

What was the positive outcome of the Crusades on the economy?

The Crusades had, both, positive and negative outcomes on the economy. The Crusades aided in ending feudalism and bringing out the Renaissance. The Crusades pulling in the Knights to fight the wars left Monarchs in power and bringing in new, foreign, items made the merchants grow rich from the new trades.

The Crusades exposed Western Europeans to ideas and discoveries of the Muslim world resulting in what?

an increase in European education and thought