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Simple. Firstly you need the Microsoft Sam voice. Simply type in "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" and it will make it. For extra laughs type in "soi soi soi". It sounds like a helicopter.

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Q: On Speakonia what letters do you use to make the super fast tongue-like sound folli-folli-folli-folli-folli-folli-folli-fah-folli-folli-fah-folli-folli-folli used on several YouTube vids?
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When you watch a YouTube video it says watch?v= (insert numbers and letters here) Those numbers and letters are the ID.

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You can't. Youtube only lets you put letters and numbers in your username.

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Yes, he also has a Youtube account. His youtube account is: thealexevans No capital letters. Hope I helped - Kittylover2422

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You can search your YouTube account name in capital letters and then it will give a list of all the video's you have uploaded.

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you go to the corner and see the words create account in blue letters

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yes he does SEND ME LETTERS 12450 Burbank Bl. Suite P #252 Valley Village, CA 91607 - Shane's YouTube Channel

Where can you find the target commercial with the emotional college acceptance letters?

You could have a look on video websites such as Youtube and Vimeo.

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