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Page squire then knight

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Q: Order the age knight page squire?
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Who was eligible to become a knight?

Only male children could. The order was page @ age 7, squire @ age 10, and a knight @ 20-24. A male of noble birth could become a knight but the farthest a peasant could go is a being a squire. God Bless!!

Describe the training of a knight?

a boy would start training at the age of 7 as a Page. As a page he learned to hunt and to uphold the ideas of chivalry. By the age of fifteen or sixteen he became a squire. as a squire his education in the art of war began. he learned to ride a horse in Battle, to use a sword, a shield, and a long spear called a lance. the typical squire officially became a knight around the age of twenty one.

When did the life of a knight start?

The life of a knight started at a very young age. From about 7-14 years old a son of a noble would live with another noble, and learn basic strategies. This is called a page. Then at about age 14, a page would become a squire and be an apprentice to a knight. Lastly, at about the age of 21, the squire would become a knight and fight in battle.

What age does a a squire become a knight?

The squire was the escort of a knight. I don't think promotion was automatic.

How do boys become knights?

at the age of 8 a boy would become a page and was taught how to fight and how to behave in the kings court. At the age of 15 or 16 the page would become a squire and assist his knight with his armor and bring him his meals. A squire also learnd how to fight in armor and on a horse. When the squire was about 20 he could become a knight after proving himself worthy

How did boy boy become a knight in medieval times?

A boy started training to become a knight at age of 7-14 and became a Page 14-21. After that he became a Squire which is an apprentice to a Knight. Eventually the Squire might be dubbed a knight by a King or the Knight who trained him after praying and standing vigil for an extended period.

What were the steps to become a knight?

First you were trained as a page. the page would serve his lord as a sort of assistant and he would also train in fighting, wrestling, hunting and horseback. at age 14 the page would become a squire. a squire would learn chivalry, heraldry and using the weapons he would use as a knight. the next step would be when the squire finished all his training and would go through the knight ceremony. he would be dubbed by a local knight or a nobleman or even a king.

What age would a squire become a knight?

It took 11 to 15 years to become a knight

How many servants did a medieval knight have?

The squire, the squire was a knight in training, when he reached the right age he became a knight, til that he had to assist his master/knight and learn the fighting techniques from him.

What did a training knight become at the age of 14?

21. They were started training at age 8 or 9 as a squire and by the time they were 15 they were a page and then at 21 became a knight.

What age does a squire become a knight?

Traditionally at about age 14, but practice varied depending on the area or country and the period.

What age was a page supposed to rise to a squire?