

Best Answer

just about every other word in the English dictionary can start a sentence.

for example:

the cow jumped over the moon.

Mail your letter to your pen pal so she can read it.

boogers taste bad.

i got a paper cut.

my finger hurts

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Q: Other words to start a sentence besides while?
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What sentence can start with the word while?

While I was going home, my cat attacked me.

How long before humans start space colonization?

You need safe living conditions in other planets besides the Earth, so it may still take a good while.

How would one start a sentence off with the word while?

One could start a sentence with the word "while" by following it with a subject and a verb to form a dependent clause, such as "While I was at work, my phone rang."

Can you start a sentence with after a while?

Yes, for example: After a while Jim became restless and began to fiddle with objects on the desk.

Can you start a sentence with number or should i spell it out?

The correct way to start a sentence with a number is to spell it out... For example... 'Three people were injured' is correct while '3 people were injured' is not.

Besides rings what other jewelry can be used while proposing an engagement?

Other jewelry besides the traditional rings to be used while proposing an engagement can be pretty much anything! It all depends on what fits or suits the relationship better and will speak to the spouses' heart.

How do you start a sentence with all the while?

You can start a sentence with "All the while" by using it to introduce a contrasting or simultaneous action or situation. For example, "All the while she was studying for her exams, he was out partying with friends." This phrase is effective for showing the coexistence of two different events.

Can you use while painting a landscape in a sentence?

Example sentence - We laughed at the jokes we told each other while painting a landscape near the old cabin.

What does it means when you start a sentence with well?

Often, that is considered to be a "stall", while the speaker quickly thinks up an answer.

Can you start a sentence with a present participle?

Yes, starting a sentence with a present participle is grammatically correct. For example, "Running quickly, she made it to the finish line first."

What do amphibians develop as they grow besides their lungs?

Amphibians grow legs and feet. If you look at tadpoles at about the three week stage, they start to develop their legs and feet while in the water

What part of speech is while in the sentence They didn't come indoors for a long while?

While is a noun in that sentence.