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Because cooking releases a chemical that smells like sulfur. It makes an unpleasant smell and usually a bitter taste too.

Cooked longer than 5-8 minutes and you increase the chances of releasing the chemical sinigrin.

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Q: Over cooked brussel sprouts have a unpleasant smellwhy do they smell like that?
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What type of foods do Russia eat?

Potatoes, cooked cabbage, and brussel sprouts.

Why do brussel sprouts smell when over cooked?

Chemical Reaction. The chemical sinigrin is released.

Are brussel sprouts disgusting?

Well, it's a matter of opinion really. I perferably don't like brussel sprouts but if you try it you may say differently. I know a few people who do actually like brussel sprouts but most people dislike it than like it.I do recommand that you try it with other thingd like melted cheese or chocolate (if you want to go a little crazy with your experiment!) or cooked in with a meal. This is an easy way of eating brussel sprouts without wanting to barf! I hope this is been helpful to you! :)Luv

Are rabbits aloud brussle sprouts?

Brussel Sprouts are a gassy veggie. I don't feed my rabbits any gassy veggies as the rabbit is unable to burp and if you have it in a cage it is unable to eat Mother Natures natural medicinal remedies.

How do you know if brussel sprouts have gone bad?

If you stick a sharp knife through them, they should be soft enough to do so without effort. If they are hard, then they are not cooked.

Why do brussels sprouts taste so bad?

One of the reasons so many people dislike Brussels sprouts is the method of cooking. In many cases, these vegetables are simply overcooked by boiling, causing them to become mushy and release an unpleasant odour, rather like rotten egg gas. It is better to steam, roast or stir fry them in order to bring out the best flavour. Apart from that, there is an actual specific gene present in a large number of people that make Brussels sprouts taste bitter to them.

Should all vegetables be eaten raw?

No! Some people can not eat raw vegetables because they have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. People with thyroid problems should not eat cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables raw. Some beans like kidney beans are toxic if not cooked. Raw potatoes are dangerous to eat raw. Tomatoes and asparagus have more cancer-fighting antioxidants if cooked.

Is chili high in fiber?

Hi, Cooked peas, broccoli, turnips, cooked cabbage, raw cabbage, Brussels sprouts, baked potatoes (with skin), sweet potatoes, carrots and cooked sweet corn are also fiber-rich.

Is it safe to eat alfalfa sprouts during pregnancy?

Most experts recommend against having sprouts of any kind while pregnant, even if thoroughly washed or cooked. The reason for that is because sprouts may contain dangerous bacteria, such as E.coli or Salmonella, which can lead to food poisoning.

What is a stiggleheimer?

a warm pastryBurt to perfection filled with melted strawberries squeezed lemons a bit of scrambled eggs oozing jelly jam crumbs from goldfish crackers a hint of banana and cream cheese some lunch meat 3 cups worth of salt cooked scorpion brussel sprouts and turkey jerky sold at Chinese stores costing about $47... its a rare delicacy

How many minutes do you steam brussels sprouts?

Take a plain old pot. Fill halfway to three quarters full with water. Put some brussel sprouts in the pot. Turn on your stove burner. Put lid on pot. Wait until you look down and see bubbles in the pot. Take the lid off. Stick a fork into one of the brussel sprouts. If it is tender, they are ready. If not, keep cooking. When tender and fork comes out cleanly, turn off stove burner. Take pot off stove. Eat brussel sprouts, but careful, they're hot. Enjoy.

How do you cook the large leaves on a brussel sprout plant?

Basically you don't. You only cook and consume the leaf-buds i.e. the sprouts. The sprouts should be removed from the stalk and then cooked. The stalk is far too woody to either cook or consume. If you have a goat give it the stalk as a Christmas treat.