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Q: Pimples on your back mean your lungs are poor?
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Why do i get pimples on my bodym?

People get pimples from poor glands. There are things you can buy to help get rid of pimps.

Can you get sores on your back if you dont wash well?

Just like with your face, you can get pimples on your back if pores get plugged up. It is also possible to get sores from poor hygiene.

What actually receives oxygen poor blood?

Oxygen poor blood is returned to the heart, which pumps it to the lungs where it gets oxygenated, and then it goes back to the heart, and then back out to the body.

35 year old have pimples scattered on face?

If 35 year old have pimples scattrerd, perhaps because of poor sleep.

Which blood vessels Cary blood back to the heart?

Aorta carry that. And the veins carry the oxygen poor blood back to the heart and lungs.

What does th pulmonary part of the heart do?

the pulmonary part of your heart takes the oxygen poor blood to the lungs and back.

Is the blood flowing from the heart to the lungs rich or poor in oxygen?


What is blood before it goes to the lungs?

Blood goes to the lungs oxygen poor and comes out of the lungs oxygen rich.

How many openings are in the heart when removed?

In humans, the heart has four openings (or chambers). There is an opening for the oxygen-poor blood going in, one for the oxygen-poor blood going to the lungs, an opening for the oxygen-rich blood coming back from the lungs, and one for the oxygen-rich blood circulating through the rest of the body.

Do we have oxygen poor blood in your lungs?

no you have oxygen high blood.

What type of blood do the lungs receive?

Oxygen Poor blood. The lungs add the oxygen to the blood and then release the carbon dioxide.

Is the pulmonary trunk oxygen rich or oxygen poor?

Oxygen poor. It carries oxygen poor blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated.