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We do not know a lot about theater of the first few centuries of the Middle Ages. But we should remember to be careful to understand that this is not an indication that plays were not being performed, just that their performance was not being recorded in an era when few things were being recorded. This was a period in which the names of kings are sometimes unknown, and it is possible whole countries have no mention in history.

We know that the Roman Empire banned theatrical performances during the fourth century under the influence of the Church, primarily as part of an effort to end combats in the arenas. We also know that the ban was introduced more than once because various emperors could not resist putting on gladiatorial combats in which the gladiators were condemned criminals.

We have commentaries to the effect that Empress Theodora, who lived in the first half of the sixth century, had been an actress. This would indicate that the theater was alive and operating at the time, at least in the East Roman Empire.

We seem to have records of Mummings being performed at the solstice and equinox during the Early Middle Ages. These are mentioned in a Wikipedia article o Medieval Theater (link below), but the article does not cite a source.

Certainly, within a few centuries of the fall of the Western Roman Empire, church oriented plays were being performed.

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Q: Plays were not often performed in public for several centuries during the early Middle Ages?
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