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Oculars are generally 10x, so I assume you're talking of the 40x objective (10x40=400, how total magnification is derived). The most important rule is NEVER touch the coarse focus adjustment, only the fine; you run the risk of breaking the specimen or the objective if you MASH the two together. Other things to consider- high light level, make sure koehler illumination is established and adjust your field aperture to eliminate refringence.

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Q: Proper use of microscope in 400 magnification?
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What type of microscope would be best to use if you wanted to look at the parts inside of a cell?

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---- You would use the light microscope. The electron microscope would be unnecessary in this situation, due to its high magnification levels.

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You can use : a microscope a telescope or a magnifying glass

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You cannot see down to the nanometer scale with light microscopes, you have to use something like a scanning tunneling microscope or an electron emission microscope. And since those don't use light I'm not sure you can really define the magnification.

Modern microscope that use lenses to bend?

Modern microscope that use lenses to bend light or images. The magnification occurs by precise lens grinding that bends light across the surface of the lens.

Which knob is used to get a clear image on a microscope?

You use the Fine Adjustment Knob to give a very clear image on the microscope, mostly used on high power magnification.

Give you some rules for taking care of a microscope?

Do not touch lenses. ALWAYS start with the least magnification, and work upwards. Clean slides and microscope when finished with it. Cover microscope with dust cover when not in use. Never swing the microscope.

What paricular types of microscope can achieve magnification up 100.000times?

The Electron Scanning Microscope can magnify an object up to 100,000 times because it make use of beam transmission.

What is the difference of compound microscope to digital microscope?

The compound microscope is the simple microscope used in the early days for higher magnification to view specimens such as cells. The compound microscope is the standard microscope used commonly nowadays. The digital microscope is a type of optical microscope which makes use of camera and optics to be able to view the images from the microscope to the computer.

Why would a technician need to use a microscope with a high magnification?

It depends on what the specimen is. If for example - the specimen is a person's finger-print, then low magnification is sufficient. However - if the specimen is a sample of blood, a higher magnification would be needed to show individual blood cells.

What are The important uses of the microscope?

A microscope's general use is high powered magnification; it can also be used for forensic purposes(fingerprints, DNA samples, etc.); or scientific purposes (I.E. disections); or health.