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yes,because they hurt the million of child..especially in the elementary level.

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Q: Should corporal punishment be outlawed in the philippines why or why not?
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Should a corporal punishment in schools be permitted again?

No, they should not!

How would you use corporal in a sentence?

Students who plagiarise from the Internet should be subject to corporal punishment.

Should corporal punishment be enforced on woman?

No, corporal punishment should not be enforced on anyone, regardless of gender. It is not an effective or ethical way to discipline individuals and can lead to more harm than good. Alternative, non-violent methods of correction and behavior management should be utilized.

Should punishment be banned in schools?

Yes it should be totally banned in all public schools in the entire USA..... If parents want to use corporal punishment as a form of discipline then let the parents come to the school and administer the corporal punishment themselves when the child misbehaves....

Why was corporal punishment banned?

Corporal punishment should be banned for the following reasons: 1. It has no place in the education of children. The research shows that children who are beaten and abused are more likely to be prone to depression, low self-esteem and suicide. The simple fact that corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure is not part of any education curriculum indicates that educators at every level know that corporal punishment has no place in the classroom. Discipline can and should be taught be example. 2. It perpetuates the cycle of abuse. The reason why is that they feel it causes irreparable emotional damage to young people, which shows adverse effects on their future life and their own role as a parent/guardian.

Why corporal punishment should not be abolished?

Corporal punishment should not be abolished because it can be an effective deterrent to undesirable behavior, instilling discipline and respect in individuals. In some cases, it may be the most effective way to address serious behavioral issues and maintain order. Additionally, it can serve as a form of punishment that holds individuals accountable for their actions.

What does a Psychologist have to say about corporal punishment?

Psychologists support the theory that parents and caregivers use non-physical methods of disciplining their children. They state professionals should indicate to parents that physical punishment should not be used as discipline.

Shouldn't there be corporal punishment for rule breakers at school?

There is in 22 states out of 50 in my opinion though it should be in all states because some kids want to learn and if you have rude or kids intentionally disrupting class then we shouldn't give them attention by tending to them show them that, their behavior is unexceptable. Even though where I live it isn't allowed in schools from what I know, but still 90% of parents in the united states use corporal punishment as an effective disipline. This is the spioled generation all our parents had to work all we do is sit there and let it fall into our laps we could do so much better.

Why corporal punishment should not be banned in schools?

Corporal punishment should be banned in schools because it can have negative impacts on students' physical and emotional well-being. It is not an effective method of discipline and can lead to increased aggression and resentment among students. Alternative discipline techniques that focus on positive reinforcement and conflict resolution are more successful in creating a safe and supportive learning environment.

Is corporal punishment a justifiable method of punishing adult criminals?

As far as I'm concerned, that's a matter of opinion, not fact. Some will tell you that corporal punishment (or capital punishment as it's sometimes known as) is a perfectly acceptable form of punishment and that often times it is used to make the punishment fit the crime as in the case of murder. However, some believe that capital punishment is wrong and that just because one person caused another person pain, they deserve forgiveness rather than the same punishment in return. There is also the argument for rehabilitation as opposed to pain. Often times the prospect of spending many years in prison will deter a person far more than just corporal punishment alone. I'm afraid this is the best answer I can give you. Again, this topic is based entirely in opinion, not in fact. No one can truly say they have the correct answer to weather corporal punishment is justifiable. I believe that Corporal Punishment is right if it fits the crime. It's not to get back at the person who did the evil deed, but it is a noted fact by stats that most criminals (murder, rape, etc.) get right back out on the street and do it all over again. How often have we seen people leave prison over and over and re offend ... plenty! Then the public end up howling like a pack of wolves and asking the question, "Why was he released?" The prisons are over-flowing and, if without a doubt the criminal has committed a crime that requires Corporal Punishment then this is the way it should be done. I do believe executions should be carried out in a humane method or otherwise we become no better than they are. There seems to be some confusion in the terms, corporal punishment is the act of punishing or disciplining someone by physical means. Capital punishment is another term used for the death penalty. Having said that, my answer would be an unequivocal, NO! for too many reasons to go into here. Mackey is absolutely correct and I did make a mistake. I don't believe in torture of another human being and each country has it's own was of corporal punishment (so I have found out.) At one time (even today) spanking children is under the heading of corporal punishment and I say yes if it's the last resort and that means a spanking on the butt without the use of anything but the palm of one's hand. From Canadian Law (Also American in many States): Such debates, however, do not always lead to the banning of domestic corporal punishment and The Supreme Court of Canada recently reaffirmed the right of a parent or guardian to use corporal punishment on children between the ages of two and twelve; this decision was contentious, being based upon S.43 of the Canadian Criminal Code, a provision enacted in 1892. [3] Similarly, despite some opposition to corporal punishment in the USA, spanking children is legal, with some states explicitly allowing it in their law and 22 US states allowing its use in public schools. A ban has been proposed in Massachusetts, on all corporal punishment of children, including by parents, and a series of laws in Minnesota severely restrict the use of corporal punishment of children.

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It shouldn't be outlawed ,it not even a drug

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Pitbulls are an aggressive breed of dog and should be outlawed.