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Yes. Both peoples have the right to live in dignity under their own power.

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Q: Should the Palestinians and the Israelis have their own countries?
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Who promised to make the Jews a homeland?

The Allied Powers, but the land was taken from the Palestinians to give to the Israelis to make their own country.

Who promised the Jews a promised homeland?

The Allied Powers, but the land was taken from the Palestinians to give to the Israelis to make their own country.

Why is the Old City of Jerusalem important to Israelis and Palestinians?

The Old City of Jerusalem is known for its sacred sites in the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faith, solidifying each group's historical claim to the land. Both the Palestinians and Israelis want Jerusalem as their capital.

When the Israelite reached Canaan they fight to see who settle there is there anywhere today where people fight over who own the land?

The Palestinians and the Israelis fight over the same areas today.

Where should the Palestinians go after creation of Israel?

Answer 1I am sure most countries in the world will be happy to receive them, and that include my country Malaysia. The Palestinians (both Muslims and Christians) have suffered so much over the years. However I am so sure that the Palestinians would rather die in their own homeland than having to move somewhere new. They are genuine fighters.Answer 2I wonder of the question. The Palestinians were living in their lands peacefully with Jews and Christians. When Israel was founded in 1948, it was the UN decree to divide the lands between both. Israel continued its occupation including the UN approved territories for the Palestinians. Then now you ask where the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) will go? It was not better to ask what the Israelis should do to be fair with the native land people?Answer 3I would second Answer 2's curiosity concerning the origin of the question since Palestinians deserve the right to live on their own lands. Many ended up staying on their own lands and the number of Palestinian Israelis has increased every year since Israel's Independence War concluded in 1949. However, many Palestinians did flee the State of Israel and there are over 2 million Palestinian Refugees, so it is worth asking where those refugees should go. Many Palestinians fled to Lebanon and Syria, which have proven to be extremely bad choices. The way that the Lebanese, in particular, have brutalized the Palestinian Refugees is far worse than even the Israeli Occupation. Jordan was marginally better in that it afforded some Palestinians Jordanian citizenship, but the Jordanian monarchy is fearful (and reasonably so) that a substantial Palestinian majority could lead to its overthrow. As a result, Palestinians have regrettable treatment in Jordan.Probably the best place for Palestinians to go would be the West, especially the United States and Canada if they could swing it. Those countries would treat them less barbarically than all of their neighbors would. Additionally, unlike any Muslim-majority country, Palestinians can apply for asylum in certain Western countries if their situation is severe enough.

Who is to blame for the Arab-Israeli conflict?

Answer 1Everyone is to blame for the continuing conflict. Israelis are continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and Blockade Gaza, preventing the Palestinians from properly developing a State of their own. Palestinian organizations like Hamas refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish State. American benefactors support Israel without encouraging it to abandon the practice of the settlements. Arab Nations do not try to engage Israel openly and honestly and believe in holding the Palestinians in refugee camps while they continue to demand that Israel host all of the refugees, something which they know is a non-starter with Israel.Answer 2Palestine. the Israelis had control of the land first, but the Palestinians seized it from them thousands of years ago.Answer 3In basest terms: GodThe differences between the countries started out being religious, with each claiming that their own religion is the one that should have the region, it has since turned into a political issueAnswer 4God is to blame. As well as the Germans, British, Americans and French. And, of course, the Israelis and Palestinians

Should the Arab Palestinians have their own nation?

As this is a "should" question, there are many viable views that can exist.Answer 1No they should not.Answer 2The Palestinians are a stateless people who deserve all the rights and freedoms that citizenship would confer on them. As Israel is not interested (for very reasonable reasons) on allowing all Palestinians to return to its sovereign territories and the surrounding Arab nations have treated the Palestinians barbarically, with the small exception of Jordan, it makes sense for the Palestinians to have their own country. The question then becomes one of borders.

Why do Israelis and Palestinians feel entitled to the same piece of land?

Because both parties have lived upon the land for a very long time. Both have ancestors who have lived and died there and each would be offended if they were forced to leave the land of their forefathers. Furthermore, each side has their own reasoning for being entitled the land. The Palestinians had previously owned it. However, Zionists (people who believed that the Jewish people should have their own nations) exiled the Palestinians with help from the British. This is considered unjust by Palestinians. Jewish Israelis believe that, according to the Bible (Genesis ch.28 and elsewhere), they are entitled to the land of Israel because of Divine command. Secular Israelis like to use a more objective argument and claim that the Israelis took a part of the land by U.N. resolution, and a further part from the Palestinians through war, fair and square. Therefore, they have earned this land and are entitled to keep it. This is the conflict in essence, though it gets much more complicated than this. See also the attached Related Links.

Do Palestinians have a right to live in their country?

I believe that they do. Right to live in your own country is a basic right which is offered to citizens of almost all countries.

Why do the Israelis and the Palestinians both want the Gaza Strip?

The Israelis believe it is rightfully theirs according to the Biblical land of Israel, but the UN-recognized border goes outside it, so the Palestinians want to have it as their own nation. The previous opinion is incorrect. Israelis do not actually want the Gaza Strip, specifically because it is NOT part of the Biblical Land of Israel (Gaza is recognized to be part of the Philistine State in Biblical Times). The reason that there is conflict in Gaza is that Israel believes that the regime in Gaza is hard-set on the destruction of Israel. Palestinians do want the Gaza Strip, as explained by the previous opinion, so that they can have their own country.

What was the name for Arabs who claim Israel as their own?

It depends on how they make that claim. Bedouin and Druze claim that Israel belongs to them as much as it belongs to the Jews and proudly call themselves Bedouin Israelis and Druze Israelis. A number of Arabs who formerly lived in what is now Israel or the Occupied Territories claim that the Jewish State is illegitimate and demand that country be returned to them for administration. These individuals are called Palestinians. (Admittedly, a number of Palestinians are willing to allow Israel to exist outside of the Occupied Territories, but there is no difference in naming between the Two-Staters and the One-Staters.)

Why don't the Israelis and the Palestinians all live together in peace in a country that is multi-religious and bilingual?

Jewish QualmsThe basis on which Israel was founded was to be a country that the Jews could go to escape persecution and develop their own infrastructure and their own lives. If such a State were to be dominated by non-Jews, it would eliminate this very important facet of Israel's existence. Since it has come into existence Jews have come to Israel seeking just this type of asylum from over 50 different countries. Most importantly, half of those countries are Muslim-majority countries. Therefore, the idea that a Muslim-majority should exist in a Jewish State is a non-starter for most Israelis and most Jews as it could perpetuate the same problem that brought those Jews to Israel. If Arabs were introspective and honestly talked about how the Dhimmi were treated in their countries and set out to provide them honest equality, there may be a possible One-State Solution. However, current Arab political parties and general sentiments do not encourage the sentiment of multiculturalism in Lebanon, Egypt or Iraq, which have the largest non-Muslim populations (by percentage).Arab QualmsThe Arabs have a distinct distaste in their own mouths from the fact that Israel's Establishment and the War that accompanied it displaced many of them. Their homes were confiscated, some of them demolished, many others inhabited by Israelis who have no connection to the Palestinian History of the territory. Palestinians also wonder why they should be accommodating to Jews who, in their minds, stole their territories and prevented their realization of a State. Furthermore, they see the Andalucian Solution, namely a solution where Muslims are on top but minorities have certain privileges as a very generous offer considering that Israeli soldiers continually harass Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.