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Cramps, headaches, pains in foot or any body part, diarrhea white discharge in underwear. and more i don't even know yet

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Q: Signs of when you are getting ready for first period?
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Why do you spot before your period?

Well,with some people,if you haven't had your first period yet,it could be a sign of it coming on.also,others signs of you getting ready to start a first period is the breasts getting bigger.

What is the cause of having spots before the expected menstruation?

It stops because it your bodys way of getting ready for your period so it means you are very close to getting it also if your back or lower stomach hurt those are also signs that you are very close to getting your period

If you have all the signs of your period and you are 12 why haven't you started your period yet?

A minority of girls are only getting their period when they are 15 or 16. You are only 12 give it some time, don't worry when your body is ready you will get your period. If I could, I would never have my menstruation (period) it is very inconvenient and it is more trouble than anything else.

Why do you get period pain after period?

It is because your vaginal wall is spreading apart and is getting ready for the cycle to start again.

I'm 39 weeks and getting bad period pains what does it mean?

Your body is getting ready to have the baby. Maybe your in labor.

Is there something wrong with you if you have bloody discharge?

That depends. Are you pregnant or are you getting ready to start your period? It depends.

What can get you to have your period faster for the first time?

Nothing. It will happen when your body is ready.

Where does puberty usually start at?

Mostly when you feel like your underwear is getting wet a lot. If that's happens you might want to start getting ready for your period. It happens all the time. Even the first few days when your not on your period you'll start getting cramps in your stomach! Don't worry your just turning into a woman!

How can you convince your Mom to get you pads for your first period?

Well, if you haven't had your period yet but you have been getting cramps and think you will get it soon. Just talk to your Mum and say "Mum, I think I should keep some pads with me so when i get my periods I will be ready".

What three signs were noted that suggested that the hunters were getting ready to leave in the island of the blue dolphins?

In the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins," three signs that suggested the hunters were getting ready to leave were the smoke signals they sent up the night before, the movement of their canoes towards the mainland, and the absence of their usual fishing activities near the island.

Are there eating process signs a hamster is giving birth?

When a hamster is getting ready to give birth, she will likely refuse food. She will make a nest, and will not want to leave it.

What does it mean if your nipples?

If your nipples hurt or you have tender breasts it just means that your boobs are growing and you are getting ready to start your period or have your next period, in other words it is perfectly normal.