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I think it wants to give up an electron

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Q: Sodium has one electron in its outer shell According to the octet rule?
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How many electrons will each atom either gain or lose in order to satisfy the octet rule of Na?

Each sodium atom will lose one electron to achieve a complete octet in its outer shell, as the octet rule dictates atoms will gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration with 8 electrons in the outer shell.

How does sodium obey the octet rule when reacting to form products?

Sodium conforms to the octet rule by losing one electron to achieve a full outer shell, becoming a positively charged ion. This electron loss allows sodium to reach a stable electron configuration similar to that of the nearest noble gas, achieving a more stable and lower energy state.

How many electrons are needed to fill the outer shell of sodium?

Two electrons are needed to fill the outer shell of a sodium atom. The outer shell for sodium is the 3s sublevel. A neutral sodium atom has one electron in its 3s sublevel. Since atoms undergo chemical bonding in order to gain a noble gas electron configuration, called an octet, sodium atoms will lose their single 3s electron, becoming sodium atoms with a 1+ charge. By doing this, sodium ions become isoelectric with the noble gas neon, and achieve an octet, becoming stable.

What charge do sodium form?

Sodium only has one electron in its outer energy level which it wants to lose in order to leave a stable octet of electrons in the level below. Loss of one electron causes a charge of plus 1 on the remaining ion.Magnesium has two electrons in its outer energy level, thus by losing these it takes on a charge of plus 2 and leaves a stable octet of electrons below in the next energy level.

How many outer electrons does sodium have?

1 electron which makes it belongs to group 1

How many Chlorine electrons are in the outer shell of a sodium atom?

A sodium atom has one electron in its outer shell.

What are the difference in stability between sodium ion and sodium atom?

Sodium atom is more stable than sodium ion because the atom has a full outer electron shell (valence shell) with 8 electrons, following the octet rule. In contrast, sodium ion has a positive charge and is less stable due to the loss of one electron from its outer shell.

What is the outer electron arrangement of sodium azide?

I think it is that there is only 1 electron in its outer shell.

How many outer ring electrons does a sodium atom have?

Sodium has one electron in its outer ring.

When sodium reacts with chlorine does sodium gain or lose an electron?

Sodium only has one valence (outer shell) electron. It wants to fulfill the octet rule and have a full (8 valence electrons) outer shell. It could do this by adding 7 electrons to the one that's already there, or it could simply lose the one electron it has because the next shell is already full. But since it is "easier" for sodium to lose a single electron and requires the least amount of energy, this is what it does.

Is sodium's outer shell stable?

No, sodium's outer shell is not stable because it only has one electron in its outer shell. Sodium will readily react with other elements to achieve a stable electron configuration by losing this electron.

What happens to sodium if it loses its outer electron?

it becomes a sodium cation