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Q: Stimulus generalization occurs when?
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What is differences of response generalization and stimulus generalization?

Generalization refers to the spread of effects (perhaps from a treatment, or intervention). Stimulus generalization occurs when the same response occurs but under a different, setting, condition, or for a different therapist or parent perhaps (i.e., different stimuli). Response generalization occurs when the individual emits a different response which serves the same function as previously reinforced responses, the setting (i.e., stimulus) remains unaltered. For instance a friend might teach you how to do the Konami code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, b, a, start) on an old Nintendo controller. Later you perform the code on the same game (same stimulus conditions) but using joystick controller.

What occurs when a constant unchanging stimulus is no longer noticed?

sensory adaptation

Is the decrease in response to a stimulus that occurs after repeated presentations of the same stimulus?

Habituation - Chapter 9 - development from the Robert Feldman Textbook entitled Essentials of Understanding Psychology

What is generalization and discrimination in operant conditioning?

Generalization and Discrimination: even though the response is emitted, animals can be taught to discriminate between situations. A pigeon will learn that they will get a pellet when they press a lever... when they press the lever and there is a red light no (negative discriminative stimulus [S-]), when there is a green light yes (positive disciminative stimulus [S+]). In difference to CS- and CS+, the S+ and S- tells the animal the impact of their behaviour: no point in acting (S-) or act now to get reward (S+) versus the CS+ and CS- which mean no matter what the reward comes or does no (it is indifferent to the animal's behaviour. Same can be stated for generalization... animals will respond to similar stimuli if they are similar to original

How to summarize the difference between a hasty generalization and a valid generalization?

A faulty generalization is a statement that's not true while a valid generalization is a true statement.

Related questions

What is differences of response generalization and stimulus generalization?

Generalization refers to the spread of effects (perhaps from a treatment, or intervention). Stimulus generalization occurs when the same response occurs but under a different, setting, condition, or for a different therapist or parent perhaps (i.e., different stimuli). Response generalization occurs when the individual emits a different response which serves the same function as previously reinforced responses, the setting (i.e., stimulus) remains unaltered. For instance a friend might teach you how to do the Konami code (up, up, down, down, left, right, left right, b, a, start) on an old Nintendo controller. Later you perform the code on the same game (same stimulus conditions) but using joystick controller.

What do you call the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus?

Stimulus Generalization

How are generalization and discrimination related to classical conditioning?

Generalization occurs when an animal responds to a second stimulus similar to the original BS without prior training with the second stimulus. Discrimination is the ability to respond differently to different stimuli.These two processes are related to classical conditioning because associations are being made between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus, thus, allowing the subjects to learn.

Responding to stimuli that are similar but not identical to a conditioned stimulus is called?

Stimulus Generalization-

What are the 5 conditioning processes identified by Pavlov?

acquisition, extinction, stimulus discrimination and stimulus generalization

What process allows a second stimulus to cause the same response as the originality conditioned stimulus?


What process allows a second stimulus to cause the same response as the originally conditioned stimulus?


Who demonstrated the theory of stimulus generalization?

John B. Watson

What is the occurrence of a learned response to stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus is called stimulus?

Stimulus Generalization. For Example: A child that has been attacked by a dog becomes frightened by small animals.

What are the similarities between classical conditioning and one trial learning?

CLASSICAL CONDITIONING ONE TRIAL LEARNING Requires a number of associations between the UCS and NS Quickly acquired Can extinguish relatively quickly Resistant to extinction The UCS is presented immediately after the CS The CR (feeling sick) can occur hours or days after the CS (food) but an association between the two is still made Stimulus generalization may occur Stimulus generalization rarely occurs you can use almost any stimulus in c.c in o.t.l food is nearly the only effective stimulus.

What is an organism in action and change in the behavior that occurs as result of a stimulus is?

A response is an action of change in behavior that occurs as a result to a stimulus. The stimulus can be either internal or external.

When you put on a white Santa Claus beard she is also afraid of you What process has occurred?

Stimulus generalization A+