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Q: The effect that a neurotransmitter has on the postsynaptic membrane depends on?
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The effect of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic cell occurs when the neurotransmitter?

binds to specific receptors on the postsynaptic cell membrane, leading to changes in the cell's membrane potential. This can either excite or inhibit the postsynaptic neuron, influencing the likelihood of an action potential being generated. Ultimately, the effect of the neurotransmitter can influence the communication between neurons in the nervous system.

Is the effect of a neurotransmitter on the muscle cell membrane to modify its ion permeability properties temporarily?


Describe how synapses work?

Synapses are junctions between neurons where chemical signals are transmitted. When an action potential reaches a presynaptic neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, causing a change in its membrane potential and potentially leading to the generation of a new action potential. This process allows for communication and signal transmission between neurons in the nervous system.

What is the difference between a synapse and a synaptic gap?

A synapse is the meeting point between two neurones, for example sensory neurone and relay neurone. The synaptic cleft (gap) is the gap between the neurones, across which a neurotransmitter diffuses to pass the impulse from one neurone to the next.

What does morphene and codeine do to cell membrane?

Morphine and codeine have no effect on the cell membrane. Their effects are mediated through interactions with genes and TFs.

Related questions

What determines the effect that a neurotransmitter has on the postsynaptic neuron?

the receptors on the postsynaptic membrane

The effect of a neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic cell occurs when the neurotransmitter?

binds to specific receptors on the postsynaptic cell membrane, leading to changes in the cell's membrane potential. This can either excite or inhibit the postsynaptic neuron, influencing the likelihood of an action potential being generated. Ultimately, the effect of the neurotransmitter can influence the communication between neurons in the nervous system.

What is the action of dopamine on the postsynaptic membrane?

Dopamine acts on the postsynaptic membrane by binding to dopamine receptors, which can lead to changes in the postsynaptic neuron's electrical activity and neurotransmitter release. This can modulate various functions in the brain related to reward, motivation, movement, and emotion.

Describe how synapses work?

Synapses are junctions between neurons where chemical signals are transmitted. When an action potential reaches a presynaptic neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. These neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, causing a change in its membrane potential and potentially leading to the generation of a new action potential. This process allows for communication and signal transmission between neurons in the nervous system.

Is the effect of a neurotransmitter on the muscle cell membrane to modify its ion permeability properties temporarily?


How is excitatory postsynaptic potential produce?

Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) are produced when neurotransmitters bind to excitatory receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, causing a depolarization of the neuron. This depolarization results in the opening of ion channels that allow positively charged ions, such as sodium and calcium, to enter the neuron, further depolarizing it. The cumulative effect of EPSPs from multiple synapses can reach the threshold for action potential initiation.

A chemical found in the synaptic vesicles that when released has an effect on the next cell is called a?


What is it when nerve impulses are interrupted and muscles don't react?

This can be caused by inhibitor molecules known as neurotoxins occupying the active sites of the receptor molecules of the postsynaptic neurone membrane, this prevents an action potential from being carried from the presynaptic neurone to the postsynaptic neurone, thus preventing the passage of a nerve impulse and consequental muscular contractions that produce an effect to stimuli

What was the first drug to have an effect on a neurotransmitter?


What is permissive action as in the nervous system?

In the nervous system, permissive action refers to one neurotransmitter enhancing the effect of another neurotransmitter. This occurs when one neurotransmitter prepares receptors to be more responsive to another neurotransmitter, allowing for a more amplified response.

Chemicals found in the synaptic vesicles which when released has an effect on the next cell?

a neurotransmitter

When the second excitory postsynaptic potential arrives at a single synapse before the effect of the first has disappeared what occurs?

Temporal summation occurs at a single synapse that is activated by a second excitory postsynaptic potential occurring in rapid succession before the first has disappeared.