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Lymphatic system

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Q: The fluid between cells is transported to the bloodstream by the?
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Fluid located in the spaces between the cells?

The fluid located in the space between the cells is known as extracellular fluid.

Interstitial fluid is the fluid?

Fluid in the spaces between cells

Fluid in the spaces between cells?

Interstitial Fluid

Result from accumulation of fluid leaked from the bloodstream?

Edema results from accumulation of fluid leaked from the bloodstream.

How does fluid in your blood become lymph?

The fluids in the blood leak through the capillaries and into the surrounding tissue. After the cells are bathed the fluid moves into the the lymphatic system. It is then returned into the bloodstream

What network of vessels that returns fluid to the bloodstream?

The network of vessels that returns fluid to the bloodstream is called the Lymphatic System.

What fluid is found between cells?


What is the goal of the lymphatic system?

- transport lymph, clear, colorless fluid containing white blood cells - lymphocytes are manufactured in the lymph nodes - defence (Specific, Nonspecific) mechanism of the body - Return tissue fluid to the bloodstream - Transport fats from the digestive tract to the bloodstream

Why is it important for intravenous fluid to be?

It is important for IV fluid to be isotonic to your blood so that it doesn't change the concentration of different molecules in the bloodstream. In many cases concentration gradients are the driving force behind moving nutrients, waste products and essential elements between the blood and the cells

How do hormones reach the cells they affect?

The traditional approach is that human and animal hormones are produced in endocrine glands, which release them directly into blood, and the bloodstream carries them to their target cells. However, it doesn't necessarily have to be blood, it can be tissue fluid as well. (And not all organisms that have hormones have blood either. In plants for example, hormones can migrate to other cells from the site of production through the plasmodesmata that connect neighboring cells.)

What is intersitial fluid?

It's a kind of fluid which is the plasma seep up from the capillary to the interstitial of the cells as it is found between (inter)cells (stitial).

Which body fluid fills the narrow spaces between cells and tissue s and directly affects the proper functioning of cells?

Interstitial fluid