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20% because most of them live in u.s.a 5% are iN Mexico BeCausE tHey RaiSes

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Q: The populatiuon of African Americans in Puerto Rico?
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Related questions

What was the ancestry of Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico's ancestors are the Taino Indians. The people of Puerto Rico are a mix of these indians, the Spanish, and the Africans that were brought to the island as slaves.

Are there Chinese people in Puerto Rico?

Yes there are Chinese Americans in Puerto Rico.

What city is the statue of the taino Indian spaniard and African slave in Puerto Rico located?

Dorado, Puerto rico

Does a South African citizen need a viza to visit Puerto Rico?

In short YES a south African needs a USA visa to travel to Puerto Rico

Do Americans need a passport to fly back to the us from Puerto Rico?

No Americans do not need a passport to fly into the USA from Puerto Rico as it as a US territory. Puerto Rico has been a US protectorate for more than a century now.

Can you move to Puerto Rico if you are American?

Yes, Puerto Ricans are Americans also.

Where is Puerto Rico located on a map that includes Florida?

Puerto Rico has to do in no matter with Mexico nor South America. Puerto Rico is not near Mexico and does not celebrate any "cultures" of Mexico. Puerto Rico is a U.S. Commonwealth and is found in the Carribean, about 1,000 miles from Miami, FL. Puerto ricans are desendents of African Slaves, spanairds and Tiano Indians their culture is nothing similar to Mexicans nor most south Americans,

Is it safe for Americans to travel in Puerto Rico?


Are Americans protected by the constitution in Puerto Rico?


How is Halloween in Puerto Rico?

The same way Americans do

Is Kevin gates Puerto Rico?

No, he is African American. He wants to be Puerto Rican though

Puerto Rico and African slave trade?

they were brought there for slavery.