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It could be a little switch in the door that just needs to be flipped

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Q: The power locks locked up on your 1995 Oldsmobile silhouette - can not open the doors someone said it was the motor for the locks it went out your question is how do you fix this?
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How does a question get locked?

If a question has become vandalized or a debate then they will be locked after an appropriate answer has been filled in. Once in awhile if someone has wrote an answer that is very good and it is an answer to the question and it will never change it might be locked, this is to save the hard work of the contributer who posted the answer. But the process of it being locked is done by a supervisor with the click of a button.

How do you disarm a 97 Oldsmobile silhouette alarm?

These things are an utter pain! If it's locking you out it's a dealer thing. By locking you out I mean alarm sounding and will not crank the engine. if your not locked out your owners manual should explain how to set the different modes or security levels.

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I assume that if a question is locked for answering by someone it is not available for another to use it.

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This is not a question. Please rephrase your question in the form of a . . . question!

Can you unlock a question on WikiAnswers?

Answers can only be locked or unlocked by a WikiAnswers Supervisor. Answers are "locked" in cases where an answer has become a debate instead of an answer, or if the answer has been vandalized too many times. If a question has been locked for either of these reasons, it may be unlocked after a time, or may be kept locked if the question continues to be a target for vandalism or debate within the answer.

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You Actually Cant Enter Someone's Locked Room Unless The Owner Allows You To.

How do you unlock a question on

you can't once it is locked.

Getting through locked doors on YoVille?

If you own the house of the locked door you will automatically get through it. But if it's someone else's house with the locked door than you are not allowed to get through.

What is the difference between a Protected question - a yellow lock - and a Preserved question - a red padlock?

A Protected question (the yellow lock) is locked by Supervisors due to vandalism of an answer. It can be edited and unlocked by Supervisors. A Preserved question (the red padlock) is locked by Community Assistants for administrative reasons.

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Maybe someone wanted to stop someone else from using it?

Can someone read your tweets if you have your account locked?

Only if you have allowed them to follow you.