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Q: The star 61 cygni B has a main sequence lifetime of about how many years?
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The main squence lifetime of an O star compared with an M star?

An O star will stay on the main sequence for millions of years whereas a M star can stay on the main sequence for billions and billions of years.

How does the main-sequence lifetime of a star compare to its entire fusion lifetime?

Stars spend about 90% of their fusion lifetimes on the main sequence.

Considering both longevity and luminosity which stars would be the most likely candidate for seeking extraterrestrial intelligence?

61 Cygni, a K2 main sequence star

What percentage of a star's total lifetime is spent on the main sequence?


Will Altair soon become a supernova?

Highly unlikely in our lifetime. Altair is still on the main sequence and probably has a few billion years left on it. Even when it comes to the end of the main sequence, it may not have enough mass to become a supernova.

Where does a star spend most of its lifetime on the h-r diagram?

On the main sequence.

Is the main sequence lifetime of a low mass star the same as the lifetime of the sun?

No. The less massive a star, the longer it will last. A main sequence star half the mass of the sun can be expected to last about 5 times longer.

What is the number of years a star stays in main sequence?

The length of time that a star stays in the main sequence varies by a huge amount depending on its mass. The whole reason is much too long and complicated to be placed here. (You need to read an encyclopedia article on the different classes of the starts.) However, the simple summary is that the largest (and hottest) stars stay in the main sequence for the shorter lengths of time (like 10 million years), but the smaller and cooler stars (smaller than our Sun) stay in the main sequence for the longest lengths of time - billions and billions of years, really long, like 50 billion years. Our Sun is in between, and it has an estimated lifetime of about five billion years on the main sequence.

Main sequence lifetime is determined by what?

The mass of the star. The bigger it is, the faster it will burn through its fuel supply.

What is the lifetime on the main sequence of a 2 solar mass star?

not very long because its about to supernova,,,,,,,,, i think again

Do main sequence stars only last a few hundred years?

No, main sequence stars last more then a few hundred years. Depending on their mass main sequence stars may last anywhere from several million to several trillion years. Our sun is a main sequence star that is about halfway through its 10 billion year duration.

How many years does a star lives?

It depends on the size. Small, dim stars live much, much longer than large, bright ones. The expected lifetime of a star like the Sun as a main-sequence star is about 10 billion years.