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the total count is 538.

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Q: The total electoral collage vote
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Do you directly elect your president?

No. Your Vote goes to the electoral college. It then is tallied with the rest of the state'svotes, and the electoral collage votes all go to the candidate with the most votes, with a few exceptions.

How can Obama be president?

Well, he won the popular vote AND the electoral collage which is a big plus as we have learned you only really need one of the two in American elections which upsets some people. When the popular vote and the electoral college differ the winner of the electoral college gets the office.

How does popular vote relate to electoral votes?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

What was the Final electoral vote total for Barack Obama?

It was 365.

Which candidate ran the best race against Abraham Lincoln in the Electoral College?

John Breckengrege got second in electoral collage but Stephen Douglas got 2nd in popular vote

How did George W. Bush win the 2000 election despite the losing popular vote?

Bush received more electoral votes than Al Gore.

How can someone win by electoral votes and not by popularity vote?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

Can someone win the general election but lose the electoral vote?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

What is the difference between popular vote for a senator and electoral vote vote for president?

the popular vote is by everybody. the electoral vote is by electoral colleges, which not everyone is in

Why did the electors vote for bush even though he didnt win the popular vote?

The electoral collage is a very hard thing to understand. First, the electors, the people of the electoral collage is to vote for who ever wins the popular election in that state. Bush won the election because the diffence between Gore and Bush votes were farther apart than in the states that Gore won. This means that it was closer in states that Bush got.

Truth or false if a person wins the popular vote they always win the electoral vote?

False. In the United States, the winner of the popular vote does not always win the electoral vote. This is due to the presidential election system, where the candidate who secures the most electoral votes is declared the winner. There have been instances in which the candidate who won the popular vote did not win the presidency, such as in the elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016.

Can someone win the general election but lose the electoral votes?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.