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Final answer will be NAND bz from first NAND ans NOT AND then Again NOT ( NOT AND) ans AND then Again NOT ( AND) so final ans will be NAND.

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Q: There is a circuit using 3 nand gates with 2 inputs and 1 output.f ind the output?
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There is a circuit using there nand gates with two inputs and one output find the output?

A "Nand" gate is an "And" gate with an "Inverter" added to its output. To get a logic 1 output from a "Nand" gate, you need a logic 0 on both of its inputs. If I understand your question correctly, you have three "Nand" gates. Presumably the outputs of two of them are connected to the inputs of the third. Logic 1 at both inputs of the first two "Nand" gates will produce a logic 0 output from both of them. The two logic 0's are fed to the inputs of the third "Nand" gate producing a logic 0 output from the third "Nand" gate.

Half-Subtractor circuit using NOR gates?

By using 5 NOR gates, we can implements half-subtractor. The inputs for 1st NOR gate are A and B, for 2nd NOR gate inputs are the output of 1st NOR gate and A input, for 3rd NOR gate inputs are the output of 1st NOR gate and B input, for 4th NOR gate the inputs are gates 2 and 3, and for last gate input is the output of the 4th gate.

Which IC digital gates requires a high on both inputs to output a high?

An AND gate

What is a AND circuit?

An AND circuit is a circuit that takes two or more inputs, and generates an output that is the boolean AND function of those inputs. Two light switches in series, for instance, is an AND circuit because both switches have to be on for the light to be on. If the switches were wired in parallel to each other, and then in series with the light, that would be an OR circuit.

Device a circuit to perform OR logic using only NOR gate?

Use two NOR gates. Tie the output of the first to both (or all) inputs of the second. A logic one at any input of the first produces a logic one at the output of the second which is a standard OR.

What is combinational circuits in computer architecture?

combinational circuit is depend only on inputs,like sequential circuits its not depend on previous outputs.

How many inputs has the NOT gates?

A standard NOT gate will have just one input. It will change its value to the opposite digital value for the output.

Which IC gates will have a low output if either of the inputs are high?

A 2-input NOR (Negative OR) Gate produces a low output when either input (or both) are high.

What is the difference between sampling gates and logic gates?

A logic gate is a computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by a particular combinations of inputs, a diagram that shows the major gates can be found here.An example would be if you have 2 wires going to an AND gate and only 1 wire has a current (is on, 1) and the other one is 0, then your output would be 0 as you need wire 1 AND wire 2 to have a current, for the output to be 1, on.A sampling gate, on the other hand is a circuit that produces an output only when first activated by a preliminary pulse. So if you have a current going through a wire and through a sampling gate, your output would be 0, unless you program the sampling gate to let the current through.I'm sorry if this is a slightly plain answer, but if you would like more reading, then go to the Wikipedia.

What is Full Adder made of?

full adder is made of x-or gates and gates and can also be made of two half adders and one or gate.full adder consists of 3 inputs lines and 2 output lines which can be named as sum(s) and carry(c).it is a combinational circuit. s= a xor b xor c(if inputs are named as a ,b,c) c=ab+bc+ca

Design a combinational circuit with four inputs and output. The output is equal to 1 when a.first and last input are alike b.Odd number of input are equal to 1?

here i vil the equation for that design dat u implement with the gates. This Anser is for only Q(a) The euation is a bar.d bar+a.b bar.d+a.c.d

How latches work?

Computer Architectures - Digital Circuits - Latches and flip-flopsIn the same way that gates are the building blocks of combinatorial circuits, latches and flip-flops are the building blocks of sequential circuits.While gates had to be built directly from transistors, latches can be built from gates, and flip-flops can be built from latches. This fact will make it somewhat easier to understand latches and flip-flops.Both latches and flip-flops are circuit elements whose output depends not only on the current inputs, but also on previous inputs and outputs. The difference between a latch and a flip-flop is that a latch does not have a clock signal, whereas a flip-flop always does.LatchesHow can we make a circuit out of gates that is not combinatorial? The answer is feed-back, which means that we create loops in the circuit diagrams so that output values depend, indirectly, on themselves. If such feed-back is positive then the circuit tends to have stable states, and if it is negative the circuit will tend to oscillate.A latch has positive feedback. Here is an example of a simple latch: