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the first requirement for an amendment to ba added is that you have to propose it. 2/3 of both houses (house and senaate) and 2/3 by the state legislative. the second requirement for an amendment to be added is that it must be ratified. 3/4 of the legislative and by 3/4 have indvidual constitution conventions

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Before a proposed amendment can become part of the Constitution, it must have 2/3 of Congress and 2/3 of state votes.

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Q: Two things have to happen before a proposed amendment can become part of the Constitution?
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When must the Amendments of the Constitution be ratified?

After being approved by Congress and before the final date for ratification proposed in the amendment.

How many states need to aprove the amendment?

According to the U.S. Constitution 3/4 of the various states have to ratify a constitutional amendment proposed to them before it can become permanent part of the Constitution. For an amendment to Acts by Congress, 3/5 of the Senate and 1/2 of the House must agree. The Titles of Nobility amendment did not become the 13th amendment because it was 2 states short. It could still become part of the constitution but it would require the remainer of 38 states to ratify it if it would be enactected now.

Proposed constitutional amendment to ban discrimination by sex?

The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed in 1972. It said that equal rights under any federal, state, or local law could not be denied because of gender. To become part of the U.S. Constitution, the amendment had to be ratified by 38 states - that is, approved by a statewide vote - but only 35 states ratified it before the deadline, so the amendment did not become law.

What is a constitution amendment?

A constitutional amendment is any change in the US Constitution. Like the constitution, an amendment must be proposed and then adopted by Congress or by state conventions. It must then be ratified by 2/3 of the current states before it becomes part of the Constitution. Amendments can only be superceded by another later amendment, or repealed by one.

What percentage of the state legislatures must ratify a proposed amendment before it is added to the constitution?


The constitution was last amended in 1992 what does this amendment say?

The 27th amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1992. It says that Congress can't make any laws to decrease or increase their own salaries that will take effect before the next term. This was first proposed in 1789, so it took over 200 years to become law.

Where did the equal rights amendment fail?

The amendment had to be ratified by 38 states. It was ratified by 35. Three more states need to ratify before it can become the 28th amendment to the Constitution.

How can the 22nd amendment be changed?

No. To change the amendment would take another amendment to the Constitution. The Congress would have to introduce and pass the amendment, then three fourths of the States would have to accept the amendment before it would become ratified.

When was the Equal Rights Amendment added to the Constitution?

The Equal Rights Amendment was first proposed by Alice Paul in 1923, when it was first introduced to Congress. Since then it has failed to gain momentum in the US Legislature, gaining the most probable chance of passing in 1972 before spending a decade in deliberation before its eventual failure in 1982.

Where are all amendments of the constitution approved at?

Constitutional amendments must first pass both houses of congress, and they are then sent to the states to be ratified. To become a law, 3/4 of the states must agree to ratify an amendment. This is to make sure that amending the constitution is difficult and requires a lot of thought before it happens. So, to sum up, after a proposed amendment is approved by congress, it must then go to the individual states; if enough states vote to approve it, the amendment becomes a part of the constitution.

Under the northwest ordinance who or what approves a territory's proposed constitution before the territory becomes a state?

Congress approves a territory's proposed constitution before it becomes a state.

How long before a constitution can be revised?

That depends on the legislation of the country or organisation.Most have provision for revision. The US Constitution uses Amendments for revising and updating their Constitution.Added: There is no timeline stipulation for an Amendment to the US Constitution. Once the proposed amendment is ratified by the required number of states it automatically beomes a Constitutional Amendment. The trick and the time consuming part of the process is achieving the necessary number of states to actually ratify it.