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When you are injured on the job at that compensates your ability to perform your duties and are fighting for compensation you can hire a labor attorney.

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1mo ago

An employment attorney would be required when there are disputes between employers and employees related to workplace issues such as discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, wage and hour violations, or violations of employment contracts or agreements. They can provide legal advice, representation, and help ensure that both employers and employees understand their rights and obligations under employment law.

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11y ago

There are a few circumstances in which an employment attorney would be required. For example, if an employer refused to hire you because of your ethnicity.

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Is it illegal to pay an employee under the table?

Yes, paying an employee under the table is illegal because it allows employers to evade taxes, wage laws, and employment regulations. It can lead to penalties for both the employer and employee and can result in legal consequences. It is important to report income and pay taxes as required by law.

What type of law does a Whistleblower attorney practice?

A Whistleblower attorney practices in the field of employment law, specifically focusing on representing individuals who report illegal activities within their organization, such as fraud, corruption, or safety violations, and protecting them from retaliation. They help whistleblowers navigate the legal process of reporting misconduct and ensure their rights are upheld under whistleblower protection laws.

If a case is dismissed in California can the respondent sue for attorney fees?

In California, the prevailing party in a case may be entitled to recover attorney fees under certain circumstances, as specified by statutes or the terms of a contract. However, if a case is dismissed without a decision on the merits, it may be more challenging to recover attorney fees unless there is a specific legal basis for such a claim.

How do you notorize as an attorney in fact?

To notarize as an attorney-in-fact, you typically need to present the power of attorney document to the notary, along with your identification. The notary will then verify the document and witness your signature as the attorney-in-fact on behalf of the principal. Make sure to check the specific requirements in your state for notarizing documents as an attorney-in-fact.

When the 1842 Coal Mines Act forbade the underground employment of who?

The 1842 Coal Mines Act forbade the underground employment of women and girls in coal mines in Britain. This was in response to growing concerns about the harsh working conditions and exploitation experienced by women and children in the mines.

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