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Yes, there are other disorders related with vitiligo. Vitiligo Associated Skin Disorders At times, you may find Vitiligo associated with one or more of the following conditions: Alopecia Areata (Loss of hair) Premature graying of the hair Lichen Planus Psoriasis Halo Naevus Ichthyosis

Vitiligo Associated Systemic Disorders Thyroid Disorders (Hypo and Hyperthyroidism) SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) Pernicious Anemia Addison's Disease Collegen Diseases Grave's Disease Diabetes Mellitus

Treatment Following herbs are proven treatment of VITILIGO. Ficus Carica Psoralea Corylifolia Cassia Absus Acacia Arabica Willd Azadirachta Indica Berberis Aristate Sulpher Cassia Alata Cephalandra Indica Lee Hirta Nigella Sativa

Curing tablets Anti Vitiligo tablets are proven guarenteed treatment for VITILIGO. Treating Vitiligo with Anti Vitiligo Tablets requires the patient to take regular dose of the pills until the skin is completely clear from Vitiligo. The dose is then lowered to a level sufficient to maintain the skin Vitiligo free. The initial course of treatment normally lasts one to two months by the end of which the patient's skin should be completely clear of all signs of Vitiligo. Read more at

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Does vitiligo cover your whole body?

No vitiligo cannot change the color of one's entire body uniformly, it causes change of color in the form of patches. Albinism is the disease which is related with complete loss of pigmentation. For more information on vitiligo and albinism visit:

How do I get Vitiligo?

The disease is idiopathic. (This means it's unique to the individual and the cause follows no known pattern. Or, as House M.D. translates it: "It means we're idiots because we don't know what's causing it.")

Is radish advised in vitiligo?

Radish is found useful in treating vitiligo because it regenerates melanin in our body. For information on treating vitiligo with radish seeds visit:

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Where in the body would you find the disease vitiligo?

The Skin.

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How does Vitiligo affect the Integumentary System?

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease and it affects our immune system. It starts producing antibodies which turn against our own body and starts destructing the melanocytes. For more information on vitiligo visit:

Is vitiligo hereditary?

Vitiligo Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in the human skin. The human skin contains special skin cells (melanocytes) that produce the pigment melanin which colors the skin. Vitiligo is not contagious or infectious skin condition. The precise cause of vitiligo is complex and not fully understood, but there is some evidence suggesting it is caused by a combination of auto-immune, genetic, and environmental factors.Auto-Immunity Of all that we know about causes of vitiligo, auto-immunity is one of the best understood factors.InheritanceVitiligo is certainly more common in the blood relations of an affected individual. It is however clear that the inheritance in vitiligo is not simple, and it currently is not possible to predict the probability of vitiligo in the offspring of an affected would be parent.

How many months or years to spread a vitiligo in a body?

Nobody can tell you how long it takes to recolor vitiligo; however, using True Herbals Anti-Vitiligo Oil for a few months may potentially bring back the color. sells Anti-Vitiligo Oil and ships within 24 hours. There's a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

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How does vitiligo and albinism similar?

No Vitiligo is not related to Albinism.Albinism is of two typesthe whole body including the eyes, the retina, the skin and the hair, all melanin containing areas of the body are involvedaffects the eyes onlyAlbinism is present at birth while Vitiligo is not.Albinism is a stable disorder which does not spread or improve while Vitiligo can progress or improve on its ownFor further information on Vitiligo visit:

Can mastubating before puberty cause problems?

No, masturbation will not cause problems. But you have to understand that your body is not mature enough sexually.