


Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder characterized by the depigmentation of patches of skin, which is usually caused by genetic defects. There are different types of vitiligo such as universal vitiligo, focal vitiligo and generalized vitiligo.

167 Questions

Is vitiligo curable in starting stage?

Yes. trust me, vitiligo is curable in any stages. it can be cured permanently by using natural medicines. Modern medicines cannot cure vitiligo from within. Ayurveda uses natural medicines so that the disease can be cured from within. From my personal experience ayurveda is the only form of treatment which is 100% effective for vitiligo. Ayurveda guarantees that once your disease is cured, it is cured forever. Some ayurvedic practitioners i

What is the physiology of vitiligo?

People with vitiligo may have eye abnormalities and also have a higher incidence of thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, and pernicious anemia.

If you have an itch with bumps between your legs that is near the vaginal areas?

The best thing I can say is either get medicine for it or TRY to leave it alone.

What to do if you get a rash from goalie gloves?

See a doctor, dermatologist and/or a pharmacist immediately.

Is noni good for diabetics?

It does help with diabetes and not to take my word for it but to have science reviewed results is the only way to prove such a claim.

Also to be able to get the proof for yourself, get the product for yourself and also understand yourself that it provides a 90-day money back guarantee if you don't see and feel any results for yourself.

What is the best medicine cream for vitiligo?

It is found that a large number of vitiligo patients have low levels of Vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Vitamin C. These nutritional deficiencies often alter the production of melanin and can initiate vitiligo. PABA, folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin C are found useful in treating vitiligo.

Large red spot on the lower back?

It could be anything from an insect bite to eczema (skin reaction to something you are allergic to) to a birth mark. If it has pain associated with it, see a doctor.

Is there any one who got cured from vitiligo?

Find them. People with vitiligo on hands are said to be cured. Herbal treatment can play a vital role. Here are details HERBAL TREATMENT IS BEST FOR VITILIGO Treatment Following herbs are proven treatment of VITILIGO. Ficus Carica Psoralea Corylifolia Cassia Absus Acacia Arabica Willd Azadirachta Indica Berberis Aristate Sulpher Cassia Alata Cephalandra Indica Lee Hirta Nigella Sativa

Curing tablets (contains above herbs) Anti Vitiligo tablets are proven guarenteed treatment for VITILIGO. Treating Vitiligo with Anti Vitiligo Tablets requires the patient to take regular dose of the pills until the skin is completely clear from Vitiligo. The dose is then lowered to a level sufficient to maintain the skin Vitiligo free. The initial course of treatment normally lasts one to two months by the end of which the patient's skin should be completely clear of all signs of Vitiligo. FOR MOre Visit

Why do vitiligo spread?

Read carefully. You will get your answer The exact cause for the pigmentary disorder(Vitiligo) remains unknown. However, there are theories suggesting autoimmune link, hormonal connection, genetic tendencies, etc. Vitiligo may be an autoimmune disease. These diseases happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks some part of your own body. In vitiligo, the immune system may destroy the melanocytes in the skin. The familial incidence is almost 20 to 30%. Often observed in the family members. If the parents have Vitiligo, there are more chances of one developing the same. However, it is not a rule. At the same time, numerous cases of vitiligo do not have a relevant family history of Vitiligo. The precipitating factors have been identified as due to pressure of tight clothes (such as on the waist) or certain occupational hazards such as wearing certain rubber hand gloves. Long term intake of certain drugs is found to produce the pigmentary disorder. In many cases, especially in children, we often have no clue why one develops vitiligo. FOR MOre Visit

Is vitiligo indicated for massage?

No. It is systemically contraindicated, which means the person should not be massaged at all. Impetigo is highly contagious and the infected person should see a doctor. After they are completely sign and symptom free, then they can reschedule for a massage.

How many months or years to spread a vitiligo in a body?

Nobody can tell you how long it takes to recolor vitiligo; however, using True Herbals Anti-Vitiligo Oil for a few months may potentially bring back the color. sells Anti-Vitiligo Oil and ships within 24 hours.

There's a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Where can a person find out more about vitiligo laser treatment?

Two good places for more information about laser treatments for vitiligo are Web MD and Mayo Clinic. Both have web based accesses. One can also get more information from a local Dermatologist.

What part of the human body does vitiligo affect?

Vitiligo is a disorder of the integumentary system (skin) where the cells that produce pigment (melanin) either die or stop producing it causing white patches to appear on your skin.

Can Vitilax Skin Oil help your vitiligo?

Yes it can. I once had vitiligo, and my doctor recommended this. I used it for about three weeks and voila! my vitiligo was gone!

Does vitiligo cover your whole body?

No vitiligo cannot change the color of one's entire body uniformly, it causes change of color in the form of patches. Albinism is the disease which is related with complete loss of pigmentation.

For more information on vitiligo and albinism visit:

What do people with vitiligo do to even out skin pigmentation?

People usually do makeup but you can try herbs. Here are details. HERBAL TREATMENT IS BEST FOR VITILIGOTreatment Following herbs are proven treatment of VITILIGO. Ficus Carica Psoralea Corylifolia Cassia Absus Acacia Arabica Willd Azadirachta Indica Berberis Aristate Sulpher Cassia Alata Cephalandra Indica Lee Hirta Nigella Sativa

Curing tablets (contains above herbs) Anti Vitiligo tablets are proven guarenteed treatment for VITILIGO. Treating Vitiligo with Anti Vitiligo Tablets requires the patient to take regular dose of the pills until the skin is completely clear from Vitiligo. The dose is then lowered to a level sufficient to maintain the skin Vitiligo free. The initial course of treatment normally lasts one to two months by the end of which the patient's skin should be completely clear of all signs of Vitiligo. FOR MOre Visit

Can you die from Vitiligo?

No, Vitiligo is not so dangerous disease.

No, vitiligo's simply a pigmentation deficiency in which the melanin cells are not producing pigment, therefore the skin turns white. It's not contagious either.

What is vitiligo?

I have vitiligo for 8 years now and I had tried different treatments (PUVA, topical steroid, meladinine cream/solution with exposure to sunlight/PUVA, oral meladinine, oil of bergamot). The vitiligo covers my neck, and one-fourth of my face. I looked for another dermatologist because i lost hope with my past dermatologists. Then somebody recommended me a good natural treatment and it worked very well. Now i'm 90% cured. With only 1 1/2 month of treatment. Read this review, it helped me a lot:

Are there any over the counter treatments that will help reduce the effects of Vitiligo?

Nothing that's safe or reliable. You may find some organic "remedies" that basically cover it up, but in terms of treating this medical condition, which some dermatologists believe is an auto-immune disease, there are some new therapies and medications that are worth exploring. You may want to make an appointment with a dermatologist and get your condition evaluated, so that it can be treated.

Long term effects of hyperthermia?

Long term effects are heat stroke which may result in seizures, brain damage, unconsciousness and ultimately death.

How many people have vitiligo?

Vitiligo affects one percent of the world's population. Both genders and all races are equally affected by vitiligo. But most people develop vitiligo before the age of forty.

For more information on vitiligo you can look on:

Who discoverd vitiligo?

Three myths about the treatment of vitiligo prevail in the medical profession.

The first myth is that treatment of vitiligo is "impossible." This is clearly not true and the majority of patients can achieve good results.

The second myth is that oral psoralens, which form the basis for some vitiligo treatments are "toxic to the liver." Oral psoralens are not toxic to the liver.

The third myth is that psoralen + UVA (PUVA) treatments for vitiligo "cause cancer of the skin." When used to treat vitiligo, PUVA therapy requires only a limited number of treatments-approximately 150 in number that has not been shown to cause skin cancer. By comparison, PUVA treatments for psoriasis can be as many as double the number for vitiligo. It has been shown that a small percentage of patients who receive more than 250 PUVA treatments can develop treatable squamous cell cancers of the skin.