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No, not at all.The running joke back then was "Why is everyone so mad at President Carter? He hasn't done anything!". He got into office on the end of a long string of campaign promises, none of which he made the slightest effort to fulfill, including a $50 tax rebate. The moment he was in office, that got cancelled on the grounds it would cost a billion. Well, let me see, 200 million Americans times $50 bucks each... sounds as though they could have worked that out in advance! And that was only the beginning. He promised to be more accessable to the people, and that there would be a series of Call President Carter days in which ordinary Americans could simply pick up the phone and talk to him. He only tried that once! No matter how carefully those calls were vetted (the event was on radio), he wasn't getting the "marshmallow" questions he wanted, so he spent the whole day on the radio trying to find new ways of saying that everything he was called about "needed more study". Aside from his bumbling economic and foreign relations, which caused, I think, TWO Arab oil embargos, and double-digit inflation, he is best known for the Iran Hostages Crisis, in which our embassy was attacked and overrun by Iranian "students" (Iranian government stooges the government wanted to pretend it had no control over) and the hostages were held for 444 days, the remainder of Carter's Presidency. He made one bumbling attempt to rescue them with a helicopter force so small and ill-trained that the loss of a couple of copters led to the canceling of the raid before it ever happened. Aside from that, he did nothing at all to save those people but kiss Iranian butt, which didn't do anything except embolden the Iranians and make the whole Middle East laugh at us. Which is undoubtedly why they decided to pull off 9/11... they thought we would never dare do anything but send diplomats and lawyers over to deal with the situation. When Ronald Reagan, thank goodness, took office, the Iranians hustled the hostages out of the country as quick as they could... they knew the Gipper would toast their tuchis if they didn't! So on Inauguration Day, the hostages were freed. And the democrats started an obscene whispering campaign that the Reagan campaign had made a deal with the Iranians to keep the hostages until Inauguration Day. This obscene lie, of course, never showed the slightest evidence. I think the reason Carter was so ineffectual is that he was so desperate to get reelected, he wasn't willing to do anything the slightest bit controversial... which meant doing pretty much nothing at all. The American people turned him out for it... no sense re-electing a zero.

i guess not .

Jimmy Carter has been said by MANY people to have been one of the worst presidents this country has ever had. He is definitely in the top 3.

Many think so, in large part, due to failed economic & foreign policy debacles...and what has been perceived by many as an inflammatory anti-Jewish and anti-Israel stance. Recent photos/video of president-elect Obama meeting with former presidents (Bush, Clinton, Bush jr., and Carter) is very telling -- none of them appeared to want to be near Jimmy Carter (Clinton makes a special effort to avoid him). When Carter is viewed solely in the context of some of his philanthropic work (e.g. habitat for humanity), he is viewed in a better light.

Lots of people said that jimmy carter ruined the economy while Ronald Reagan saved it.

He was, depending on what successful means in this context.

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Yes, James Earl "Jimmy" Carter only served one term as the 39th President of the United States, from January 20th, 1977 to January 20th, 1981.

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