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To say whether he was right or wrong to change his way of thinking depends on your perception of his message. All one has to do is research his life and you will hopefully obtain a clearer understanding of why he thought the way he did and in the process hopefully your own consciousness will be raised, at least one degree. My question to you is; is it wrong for anyone to speak up and out on the reality of the inhumane treatment of fellow human beings?

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Malcolm X was a militant racist when he got out of prison. He became the face of the Nation of Islam, an American black Muslim organization. But, a trip to Africa softened his views and he became a voice of reason. He split with the Nation of Islam after discovering the leader Elijah Muhammad was having extramarital affairs with multiple young Nation of Islam secretaries. This constituted a serious violation of Nation teachings.

Soon after this split Elijah Muhammad had him assassinated.

Malcolm X has been described as one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history. I was alive at the time and remember it all. With no disrespect to Martin L. King, another influential black leader, I agreed at the time and still do with this view of Malcolm.

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