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Not originally- she was an actual priestess who had her hermitage at Delphi, to whom the ancient Greeks used to make pilgimages in order to seek advice an guidance. The Delphi oracle was chosen by the ancient Greek religious heirarchy as being as wise woman, who was reputed to have psychic powers of mystical insight, precognition and supernatural rapport with the Gods. Upon assuming the role, she took a lifetime vow of celibacy; nobody ever saw her when they went to consult her, she remained concealed in the darkness of her grotto, hearing and speaking but never appearing to the pilgrims. The position of oracle was taken for life- when an old oracle passed away, another much younger woman was lined up waiting to take her place. She may have had a statue near to her hermitage depicting an image of Wisdom, though it wasn't meant to represent her personally. Since the end of the ancient Greek civilisation, classical and Renaissance sculptors have produced a number of statues down the Centuries depicting an idealised image of the Oracle at Delphi, though since hardly anybody ever knew what any of the Oracles looked like, these can't be taken as true to life!

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