

Best Answer

1.psoas major

2.psoas minor


These are the muscles in the lower back, which is one of the areas knee to chest stretches.

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Q: What 3 muscles does the knee to chest stretch- stretch?
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What are the muscles of knee?

The main muscles of the knee are the quadriceps (4 muscles which straighten the knee) and the hamstrings (3 muscles that bend the knee). Quadricep Muscles: Rectus Femoris, Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis Hamstring Muscles: Semimembranosus, Semitendonosus, Biceps Femoris The other muscles around the knee are Popliteus (at the back of the knee) and the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus)

What part of the chest does incline push ups do?

well u have 3 muscles in your chest and this excries does the top of yr chest

How do you clear stretch marks on chest?

Buy Mederma online to get rid form stretch mark. Apply thrice in a day at least 3 to 6 months depend on oldness of stretch marks.

Why are the 3 stages of a warm up so important?

Without warming up you can stretch your muscles and hurt your self

How do you do the splits when you're 3 inches away from ground?

you have to stretch your groin muscles and keep practising each night.

What muscles work together to straighten your leg?

The muscles used to straighten the leg are commonly known as the Quadriceps, a group of four muscles on the front of the thigh. This, however, is only the cast when the knee is isolated. If you were to stand up from a squatted position, you would also be using your gluteal muscles as well as your hamstrings to extend the thigh and stabilize the knee, while your quads and inner thigh muscles (the adductor) help to straighten the the knee. You would also be using your calf muscles to straighten the ankle.

What are the guidelines for doing flexibility exercises safely?

Achilles tendon stretch

What are the most common injuries in Gaelic football?

1.Elbow Bursitis 2.Knee Bursitis 3.Cramp 4.Leg Broken 5.Arm Broken

How many muscles make up the hamstring?

There are three main muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh. They are the biceps Femoris , the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus. Together, they cause flexion of the knee and extension of the hip

How do your muscles beomce more pliable?

You are assuming that it is possible to increase the elasticity in your muscles, and it is not clear that it is. Muscles are connected to tendons (that are connected to bones). Muscles and tendons work together. When one uses stretching exercises to increase flexibility, one is actually always stretching muscles along with tendons. It is not really possible to separate them. If you want greater flexibility, do a whole body stretching routine 2 or 3 times weekly. It's very important to stretch muscles and tendons that are warm and full of blood; otherwise, you may injure yourself. So, stretch after exercise rather than before exercise. It is also important to avoid ballistic stretching if you are after increased flexibility. Stretch slowly and try to feel the stretch. Stretch just to the point of discomfort and hold the stretch for at least 20 or 30 seconds. Do not bounce. If you follow these guidelines, your flexibility will gradually improve. Remember, though, that there are great individual differences. Just because someone else is able to do a certain stretch does not mean that you will be able to do it. So, 'listen' to your own body. ----

You work out your chest 3 times a week you do bench press incline bench decline bench and flys However your chest will not form and get bigger What can you do to form your chest and make it bigger?

your doing the right exercises but you should only work those chest muscles twice a week and you want to lift heavy weight to promote muscle growth.