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Between the years of 1883 and 1889, Germany, under Otto Von Bismarck led Europe in providing benefits to their workers. Programs paid by employers included social security, sickness insurance, health benefits & old age insurance laws.

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Q: What European nation in the late 19th Century led the way in worker benefits?
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What worker benefits did England create in the early 20Th Century?

Between 1906 and 1911, England created accident, old age, sickness, and unemployment insurance.

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Can i get umployement benefits after worker comp settled my case?

yes. if you were fired.

What kind of benefits does worker's compensation insurance provide?

There are many benefits a worker's compensation insurance might provide. One common benefit is that of wage replacement as well as funding if one is injured on the job.

Do you claim children's social security benefits?

Survivor benefits are paid to children of a deceased worker.

What is the typical compensation and benefits package for a minimum wage restaurant worker?

Some typical compensation and benefits for a minimum wage restaurant worker are tips which can be given by those who believe they have gotten good service from the worker, discounted meals, or paid leave days, and insurance fromt he restaurant.

Is a work comp settlement different from weekly benefits?

Yes, Worker's Compensation refers to a worker who is receiving benefits because he is not working due to health (job related injury or illness), whereas unemployment compensation has to do with compensating a worker for his loss of a job through no fault of his own (in most cases).

Are workmanscomp benefits taxable?

If an employee is injured on the job, he or she may be eligible to receive worker's compensation benefits. These benefits are not taxable if they are paid under a state or federal worker's compensation statute. No exclusion is available if the payments are for nonwork connected disabilities or if the amount of the payment is based on age or service.