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Bolivia has the highest percentage of indigenous people in South America, with over 40% of the population identifying as indigenous.

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Q: What Spanish country has the most indigenous people?
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Which country do the Maori people originate from?

The Maori are the native people of New Zealand. Maori come from New Zealand. The spiritual homeland for Maori is Hawaiiki. No one is really sure about where this place is but there are many theories of where it might be. The Maori people are most certainly the "Tangata Whenua" or the native race of New Zealand. There are Tangata Whenua/ Maori Iwi groups whose whakapapa indicate that they are native to Aotearoa. These same Tangata Whenua do not have any history of migrating from another place to this whenua. They have always been in Aotearoa. The simple truth is though, no one has yet come up with any proof positive where Maori came from, so the consider themselves indigenous to New Zealand.

When and where ifugao live?

The Ifugao people live in the Ifugao province in the northern part of the Philippines. They are known for their traditional agricultural practices, particularly rice terracing, and for their rich cultural heritage and traditions. Their ancestral land is situated in the Cordillera mountain range.

Which continent has the most indiganous tribes?

Africa is considered to have the most indigenous tribes, with an estimated 3,000 distinct groups. These tribes have unique cultures, languages, and traditions that have been preserved over centuries.

What do Indigenous people wear in the rainforest's?

Tribes indigenous to the rainforest have differing styles of dress. Most often, they wear clothing fashioned from the plants in the forest.

What factor was most crucial to the survival of the remaining indigenous people of Latin America?

One crucial factor was their ability to adapt to changing circumstances, including forming alliances with European colonizers and utilizing their knowledge of the land to survive. Another factor was their resilience in resisting diseases brought by the Europeans and finding ways to maintain their cultural identity despite colonization. Additionally, some indigenous groups were able to preserve their traditions and languages through oral storytelling and community practices.

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What language is spoken by most people in Argentina?

The majority of people in Argentina speak Spanish as their primary language. Additionally, there are indigenous languages spoken by some communities within the country.

Why are there so few indigenous people in the Caribbean?

Most of the indigenous groups died of overwork or diseases brought by the Spanish.

What are the most major ethnic groups in latin America?

white, spanish, Portuguese, African Americans, and indigenous people (native Americans)

Do all Ecuadorians speak indigenous languages?

No, not all Ecuadorians speak indigenous languages. While Ecuador recognizes several indigenous languages as official national languages, Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the country. However, there are many Ecuadorians who do speak indigenous languages, particularly those belonging to indigenous communities.

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The Supreme Being for most indigenous peoples is a god who is a

The heritage of most of the people in Latin America can be traced back to these three groups?

Most people in Latin America are descended from Spanish or Portuguese colonists. There are also significant numbers descended from indigenous nations and from Africans.

What country has the second most spanish speaking people?

The United States has the second largest population of Spanish speakers, after Mexico.

Do people speak the most spanish in spain?

If you are asking what country has the largest Spanish-speaking population, it's Mexico.

What languages do Latinos speak?

Latinos speak a variety of languages, but the most common is Spanish. Additionally, some Latinos may also speak Portuguese, English, or indigenous languages depending on their country of origin and cultural background.

Who were the Chibcha are indigenous people of the eastern cordillera of the Andes of Colombia?

The Chibcha indigenous people were the most highly developed of the Colombians

What to forms of military technology did the Spanish have to help them conquer the Aztecs and incas?

Iron weapons and horses.However most of the conquest was caused inadvertently by diseases the the Spanish brought to the new world with them to which the indigenous people had no natural immunity.

Is Korean a spanish speaking country?

No it is not. Korea has Korean people and most people there know only Korean (unless they are learning spanish or other languages at school) .