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The Union general that President Lincoln placed in charge of the department of Mississippi was Ulysses S. Grant.

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Q: What Union general did Lincoln place in charge of the new department of the Mississippi?
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What steps did Confederate President Jefferson Davis take prior to General Lee's raid into Maryland?

Prior to taking the Lee offensive into Maryland, Jefferson Davis believed he needed to first make organizational changes to the Confederate armies in the Western Theater. He set out to change Western commanders and restructure the army's military departments. One problem was the lack of good communications between Richmond and the Trans-Mississippi. Davis created a new department, the Trans-Mississippi and placed General Holmes in charge of it. The result was a division of the vast Southern frontiers. Historians believe the reorganization was a solid move, however, they have criticized Davis' choice of General Holmes to head the new department.

What general did US Grant chose to replace General Rosencrans?

Union General US Grant was basically placed in charge of the Western Theater of the US Civil War. He, as did Lincoln, lost all faith in General Rosencrans. He therefore replaced Rosencrans with General George H. Thomas.

Who is Known for his victory at Vicksburg in 1863?

General Ulysses Grant gained a significant advantage for the Union by winning at Vicksburg. His victory split the Confederate states at the Mississippi and denied them the use of the river for transporting supplies. His success there - followed by his success in the Chattanooga campaign also helped convince Lincoln to put him in charge of the entire Union Army.

What does the attorney general department do in congress?

The Attorney General is in charge of the Department of Law and is often referred to as the state's "Top Cop." Part of the Attorney General's job is to make sure that Arizona is a safe place for you to live. And that's a really big job! The Attorney General has a staff of attorneys and investigators who figure out what needs to be done to help protect people and catch and punish criminals.

Who was in charge of the Union during the battle?

Major General George Meade was named commander of the Army of the Potomac only three days prior to the battle at Gettysburg. Major General Henry Halleck was General-in-Chief of the U.S. Army at that time. And of course, Abraham Lincoln was commander in chief.

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What general did US President Lincoln place in charge of the Department of the Mississippi?

US President Lincoln had faith in the abilities of General Henry W. Halleck. Lincoln created a new Department of the Mississippi. This was a large area and made Halleck the top general in the West.

What did US President Lincoln do after he relieved General George B McClellan from his position of general in chief?

President Lincoln did second guess himself for a while. This is because General McClellan had years of extensive industry and military experience. Lincoln, however, would soon find a replacement for the ousted General.

What is the us attorney general in charge of?

The attorney general is the head of the United States Department of Justice.

What department is the Attorney General the head of?

In the United States, the Attorney General is a cabinet level position. The Attorney General is in charge of the US Justice Department.

What actions did President Lincoln take after General George B McClellan left Washington DC for the Peninsula campaign?

General George B. McClellan's departure for his Peninsula campaign gave President Lincoln an opportunity to reorganize the Union's armies. With these plans, Lincoln also made certain changes:* He relieved McClellan as general in chief;* This left McClellan only in charge of the Army of the Potomac;* Under Henry Halleck, Lincoln created the Department of the Mississippi; and* Also, the Mountain Department was created under the command of John Fremont.Lincoln believed he was doing McClellan a favor by allowing him to focus on the major operation at hand, and one that might end the war, namely the capture of Richmond. As general in chief, McClellan would have never approved of the abolitionist General Fremont. Needless to say, McClellan was hugely disappointed with the loss of his most sought after position as general in chief.

What department in the cabinet is the attorney general in charge of?

The US Attorney General is in charge of the Department of Justice (DOJ). Although one of the original four cabinet positions in 1789, the Attorney General was not the head of an official agency until the Justice Department was created in 1870, to consolidate the legal roles of the US departments and the United States Attorneys.

When did Lincoln put general Ulysses S. Grant in charge of the northern army?

Appointed General-in-Chief March 1864

Does the attorney general mint money?

No. The Attorney General is the Head of the Department of Justice. The Department of Treasury is in charge of the US Mints, which is headed by the Secretary of the Treasury. See the link below.

What is the role of a 2 star general?

In the US a 2 Star or Major General is usually in charge of a Department of the Army in peacetime.

Who was in charge of the upper Mississippi river that participated in the captures of fort Henry?

General Grant and Admiral Foote.

Who was the general that president Lincoln put in charge of all union forces?

Ulysses s grant

What general did President Lincoln place in charge of Washington DC's defenses after the Confederate raid on the city?

The Union's top brass and President Lincoln was not happy about the surprise attempted raid on the capitol. Lincoln took the advice of Secretary of War Stanton's advice to place General Henry Halleck in charge of the city's defenses.