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Kale has more calcium than milk, ounce for ounce (and no pus and bacteria and animal cruelty).

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Q: What Vegetable has more calcium in one serving than a glass of milk?
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Related questions

How is Calcium used in the real world?

Calcium is used in milk.... although you can get more calcium in a glass of skim milk than when it has fat

How much calcium is in a glass of milk?

There is about 300 milligrams of calcium in 1 cup of WHOLE milk.

You need 1.3g of calcium per day you get 290mg of calcium per glass of milk if you drink 4 glasses of milk how much more calcium do you need from other sources?


Are supplements best way to get calcium that we need each day?

no. the best way to obtain your calcium is to have a glass of milk and eat healthy.

Is homogenized milk a mixture?

Homogenized milk is still a mixture. The milk still contains water, fat and other minerals such as calcium. Homogenized milk only looks instead of settling at the bottom of a glass.

How much water is in skim milk?

A serving of skim milk has about 30% of the calcium that you need in a day.

Calories in a 12 oz glass of skim milk?

There are 225 calories in 12 ounces of whole milk, 105 of them from fat.

How much calcium is in milk?

40% of calcium. Don't eat chicken, banana, or egg. EAT YOGURT! But, eat more yogurt to get more calcium. You can still eat chicken, banana, or egg. This is just my opinion, it's your choice.

Does milk have calcium in there?

Yes milk is a good source of calcium.

Is milk a good source of calcium?

Yes. But it should not be considered the only foodstuff as a "good source of calcium." Many other foods, like legumes and nuts are also good sources of calcium that can be added to your diet.

What are some unique facts about calcium?

One interesting fact is that milk and milk products can block/partially block or inhibit your body's uptake of calcium. If you and I both eat a big green salad, or good portion of fresh dark green vegetables, but only you drink a glass of milk with it, my body will take up (absorb) more calcium.

How much milk needed to a mother of one month old child?

You should have a glass of milk with every meal.