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Q: What animal milk is used for edam cheese?
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What is an animal that is used for milk and cheese?

Cows and goats are the most commonly used animals for milk production. Cheese is made from the milk of these animals.

What animal's milk is used make romano cheese?

Probably goats milk

What animal milk is used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese?

The Water Buffalo's milk is used to make authentic Italian Mozzarella cheese.

Why does rennin turn milk into cheese?

Rennin is an enzyme - which binds the milk proteins together into curds. This makes the curds easy to process into cheese. The waste liquid (whey) is used in animal feed.

What types of milk do they use for cheese?

Any type of milk can be used to make cheese.

What animal does cheese come from?

Cheese is made by cows, but must go through a number of steps before turning into cheese. The cow eats grass, which is digested and turns into milk, which is made by humans into cheese, butter and other dairy products Cheese is a manufactured food made essentially from dairy products, notably milk from various mammals. Though cows are the main source many cheeses are also made from the milk of goats, llamas and yaks. There are many others.

What are the elements in cheese?

yes all cheese contains small micro traces of uranium due to the process from milk to cheese, the equipment used contains uranium and this transfers into the cheese. so your cheese is a little radioactive

Is there beef lamb pork in the cheese or in the processing of the cheesein the extrating of the whey there is animal ingredient used to speed up the process?

HUH? Milk IS an animal product. And what is "beef lamb pork"? What sort of animal mixing do they do where you live? And please, try to actually make the question make some sense. But milk IS an animal ingredient, unless you mean coconut milk. my question is :is there any animal ingredent in the cheese the person who answered the question must not know that there are enzymes and rennts and whey that are in the cheese that have animal in them. i need to know from a person that knows the answer. milk is not a animal ingredent it comes the animal it isn't the only thing that is in the cheese.thank you in advance

What the red skin used on Edam Cheese other than wax is and is it edible?

It's probably wax or mold, but if it's not, I'm sure it's also edible, as people are used to eating the red covering of cheese.

Was cheese invented on purpose?

Since man has made and used cheese from pre-history, it is not known for sure, but it is speculated that the age-old custom of using animal skins to carry liquids may be behind an accidental discovery of cheese. If a calf's stomach was used to carry cow or goat milk, the rennet in the stomach would have curdled the milk into cheese. But as I said, that is speculation.

Did a medieval cheese maker use cow or goat for milk?

They used both goat and cow milk in the cheese.